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Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/25/2006 6:28:06 PM
Hi Anthony, I can speak from a professional standpoint on these fuel savers. As I have posted in other forums, be careful of the language that you use if you are going to promote one of these. There is no additive that can cut down on maintenance costs; this is part of the operating expense if you own any vehicle. These additives however may help to keep your engine and mechanical parts clean between maintenance; but will not increase milage. May serve to maintain milage set by the manufacturer by keeping the machanical parts in good working order. You must perform maintenance as scheduled by the manufacturer or loose the performance of the vehicle. It is the cost of gas that is creating a market for these type of affiliate programs. This is what a lot of Automotive Technicians will tell their customers that are trying to get around maintenance cost: "Pay me now or Pay me Later" It is cheaper to perform maintenance than repair work. If you are buying gas of poor quality than you need to add an additive to help keep your vehicle at the proper operating temp. I won't go any further than this here, as everyone only has to read the handbook that came with the vehicle, to konw how and when to perform the maintance that it needs. Now we should write our Senetors to find out why gas has went out of reach for some of us. I have a sneakie feeling it is to rebuild the coast with our dollars that the oil companies are presently collecting. I think in the near future we are going to hear how much the oil companies have contributed to the rebuilding of New Orleans with our money. What do you think? Happy Motoring! Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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"Happy Motoring"
5/25/2006 8:54:14 PM
;-) ;-) Hey Jerome, enough already, you're drive me crazy.
Flag of Jerome Pfeifer

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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/25/2006 10:05:59 PM
Hey Rudy, If you are referring to that double post it was not my fault this time I only clicked the button once, and something else took place out of my control. Now if you are referring to what I posted than you have the problem not me! I am not posting something that I am just imaging but facts from years of working on automobiles. But I am sorry for the double post here! Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/25/2006 10:21:01 PM
Oh Yeah Rudy, I am not referring to your air filters which are not additives, and can reduce some maintenance costs by not having to replace the filter everytime you change the oil. But when buying an air filter you will have to take into consideration which ignition system is in use. Some vehicles use the L-Jetronic and some the H-Jetronic, which has a platnium wire which requires cold air to heat up and cause the ignition. Some use the MAF system (Mass Air Flow)so when using any air filter just make sure it meets the reccommendations of the vehicle. I usaully charge for consultations like this but since I am only sharing it with my friends who are not mechanics, I hope it helps them to make wise choices with their maintenance, and I do recommend that they look at the products that you are promoting, they are good ones. Your Friend, Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 12:13:35 PM
Technical support at Amsoil Inc. replies to your comment with, "AMSOIL Ea Air filters are compatible with OEM ignition systems. EaA filters are constructed using OEM approved materials." I would add to that - I suppose the science of filtration, in this instance has been thouroughly researched, wouldn't you think. You're comment about "...every time you change the oil." needs to be responded with the proven capability of a guarranteed four years service life, air filter being cleaned at oil change interval with applicable Amsoil product option at 25,000 miles or one year whichever comes first. The Ea oil filter has a one year or 25,000 miles service life. OEM's and their mechanics know this, and don't have a match for it other than a toothless threat.

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