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» Why should you join?

  • A public profile will make it easy to interact with other users of the site.

    To get the most out of this site, it pays to have a public profile. This way other members of the site can contact you easier -- any of these could be new friends or customers!

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  • You can upload your photos and create virtual albums.

    It's very easy to upload your photos. Did you know that people with pictures get extra promotion on our site?

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  • Share your interests and find people interested in the same things.

    When you indicate your interests, we can display YOU and your business all over the community to people who have the same interests and this in turn will bring you traffic to your website. Thus you can meet people who share your interests, and work together on AdlandPro Community.

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  • Make money while you enjoy yourself on AdlandPro Community.

    By becoming an affiliate of our site, you can receive cash for each member that signs up under you. It's a quick and easy way to make money while having fun.

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  • Tell us where you live?

    By telling us what city you live in, you'll be able to get quicker access to classifieds, groups, events, and forums, as well as find people in your city already using our site.

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  • Share your passion with others?

    By creating your group on AdlandPro Community, you can connect with people similar to yourself, find new members, spread the word about important news and events, and much more, whether you're a church, sports team, or book club.

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  • Announce your event, party, or celebration to people on the internet, or just your friends?

    Got an important meeting, reunion, party or other event coming up? Register it on AdlandPro Community and get it promoted to everyone, or just your friends if you prefer.

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  • Place a free ad.

    Whether you're looking for personals, real estate, a new job, or any number of other things, a free classified on our site is one of the best ways to spread the word.

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  • Participate in our forums, or just read what others are saying?

    Participate today in one of the fastest growing communities out there, and make a name for yourself!

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  • Find your friends online.

    You can use our people search to look for other people that use the site that you already know (or perhaps, that you'd like to know) and invite them to be a friend today.

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  • Look through our photo galleries.

    Visit our photo galleries today and start sharing your photos of family, friends, events, and whatever else you want. Comment on other peoples' photos, view recently added pictures and albums, and much more.

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  • Show off your creativity.

    By creating a custom webpage on our site, you can show off everything that makes you who you are. Pictures, news, more information about yourself or why you're here; the only limit is your imagination.

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  • Chat With Anybody, Any Time, Any Page!

    Now you can talk to anyone you want, anywhere you go on our site. The chat bar is helpfully located right at the bottom of your screen whenever you're logged in. Just click on a name or the chat icon below anybody's picture to start chatting with them instantly.

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  • Get exposed to millions of potential customers.

    Make yourself known on the internet with our Social Networks/Brand Protection service today! Your brand will be protected at the same time it gets much needed exposure.

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