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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 11:48:19 PM
Dear Jerome, I find your comments here quite useful and would admit that the best plan is to keep up with the manufacturers recommendations to preserve the over longevity and condition of your car or truck. I started out in the auto mechanical field in 1966 and competed in the Chrysler Plymouth National Trouble Shooting Contest in 1968 with my partner Stan Hoenie. We missed first place by 23 seconds. We both went on from there into the US Marine Corps as the fighting raged on in Vietnam. Stan gave his life saving his fellow soldiers in 1969. I was luckier as I was stationed at Cherry Point, NC and was an Airborne Navigator on C-130 transport planes. After my service I worked as a line mechanic at Brown & Holter Chevrolet. Personally my first cars were a 63 Corvette, 67 GTO, 1970 Cougar 351 Cleveland and 1992 Renault Fuego, which did indeed have the Bosch Jet L system. All of the cars before the Renault I personally built the engines to the max. Porting & Polishing, Multiple Carburetors, Shit Kits and Torque converters and etc. Did I say 150 Mph Plus? In 1973 I and my wife joined the US Peace Corps and were stationed in Kinshasa, Zaire, Africa. My wife taught English to black Africans at the Salvation Army High School and Air Zaire. I worked as the chief of their Civil Aviation Administrations' Mechanical Division. We were responsible for the provision of daily transport of their 2400 employees spread at 47 airports in what is now called the Congo. Congo is after all deepest darkest Africa on the Equator and about half the size of the USA. In addition we maintained all cars, trucks, buses, prime power and standby power at all of the airports. Congo got it's independence in 1963 during a rebellion in which the locals raped, robbed and pillaged their colonial masters. Did I include slice their throats or hacked them to death with machetes? In the years after independence the citizens virtually killed most all game for food, let their infrastructure vanish and basically only a few Europeans and missionaries kept the country going. The general problem can be recognized by a plaque found under the hood of every Land Rover, "Negative Earth". Don't get me wrong as the most memorable and rewarding time of my life was during my 2 years in Congo, My daughter was born there for one but even more important was that I set up training programs for all the divisions mechanics, purchased a whole fleet of new cars, buses and generators. I also was able to get them all new tools. Their most common tools were the hammer & chisel. After my return to the states I worked for the FAA, Federal Aviation Admin, Caterpillar and etc. My experience includes gas, diesel and gas turbine driven generators in supplying prime and standby power to critical radio, microwave, radar and approach lighting systems that allow a 747 to land in fog thick enough that the mins are 100 feet forward visibility with 100 altitude minimum for a decision height as to whether to land at 125 knots with 400+ people onboard. With all that having been said I would take you to task for your statements about fuel additives. It would generally be true that as in my case having custom built for racing with or without exotic fuel or add the use of nitrous oxide for example I would not expect to find much advantage. On the other hand I can say that my 2003 Astrovan does routinely have increased power and about a 20% increase in mileage per gallon of fuel. In addition I use an oil additive that neutralizes the oil in my engines crankcase eliminating the acids that are formed by the unburned fuel that makes it past the rings. I used to change oil every 3000 miles but have moved that to a 5000 mile regimen as the result of finding that at 3000 miles the oil is still looking like new. This exceeds all auto manufactures recommendations. I am deeply involved with Wosat and want you to know that we are not one of those so called affiliate or MLM companies. Our product does work and all claims are backed in fact and testing since 1987. As we are using and marketing this wonderful product we have found the benefits understated. There isn't anything in Dipetane that isn't in gasoline already. Check It Out at Humbly, Rick Martin
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.
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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/27/2006 12:43:53 AM
Hi Rick, Man I like you! Are you on my friends list? if not we need to get together. Not only did you prove my point, but proved what I said about additives; they help to boost octane, and keep the engine clean between regular scheduled maintenance. I am not knocking all additives as I use them myself, as I have stated. We do need help with the gas prices going out of control, which is what this is all about, and then we have those gas station owners that buy low grade gas which causes our vehicles to under perform. Thereby when we purchase an additive that has made a claim to increase gas milage and it does because it boosted the octane of poor gas we think we have found a cure. No we just found help. I and Shannon are friends so is John Sanchez. People are not able to read what I am saying because of my skin color and it shows, you can push the maintanance to the max, but not wise with the cost of todays automobiles, but anything that will help keep dirt out and keep them running at the operating temp, I strongly recommend that you use them. But not nelect the maintenance that is recommended by the manufacturer. I have formulated a few automobiles myself in my day, to do what I required of them. That said, I salute you for your contributions to humanity, rather it was to the Black African or the liberteration of Europe, any contribution to humanity sets well with me. We are required by our maker Almighty God to love one another. Are you with me? Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/27/2006 12:51:00 AM
Hey Gary, That post was meant to get a laugh not to insult! I had one of those Bill O'Rielly's whooooa's there. I hope I did not offend you! Your Friend, Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/27/2006 4:22:20 PM
Good Afternoon Jerome, Gary and Janice Hawkins enjoy reading your thoughts and opinions! You have never offend us or anyone else we know of. We are all created equal according to Our Maker! Jerome, some times we don't make ourselves clear! That is our fault! When We were implicating that 2 16 ounce bottles makes 320 gallons of super fuel for our 2003 Pontiac at one ounce per 10 gallons that was explaining how far those two bottles would take us. That fact is when you first start using Environ-Max Plus you should use one ounce per Five gallons of Gas or Diesel during a break in period or decarbonization period! If your vehicle had only 10,000 miles or less run two tanks full at 1 to 5 and then 1 to 10 gallons there after! If you had 30,000 miles or less run 4 tanks full at 1 to 5 and then back to 1 to 10 gallons. If you had 60,000 miles or less run 6 tanks full at o1 to 5 gallons and then back to 1 to 10 gallons. If you had 100,000 miles or less run 8 tanks full at 1 to 5 and then 1 to 10 gallon. If you had 150,000 miles or more run 10 tanks full at 1 to 5 to reach maximum mileage by decarbinazation and then 1 to 10 gallon. Jerome you are right about the difference in fuel you purchase too. Our research shows that the fuel we get in the summer time is much better than the fuel we get in the winter. It appears that they use something in the fuel to try and control the water content from cold weather??? Our research shows that in winter in cold areas that Enviro-Max Plus should be cut to 1 ounce per 15 gallons for best results in colder climates. Enviro-Max Plus also stops freezing fuel lines and fuel jelling! I think what impressed us most before actually using the product ourselves was the short Video with Johnny Rutherford. When they took a car off the street at random and pulled out one sparkplug and showed it all black and carbon up like everyone's is after a number of miles. Then the poured 1 ounce per 5 gallons of fuel and let the car idle for just 16 minutes and pulled the same plug again and it was clean and shinny again like a new plug....We though that was super impressive! Most vehicles in city driving where the stop and idle allot tend to load up sometimes and cause poor running or fuel mileage. with Enviro-Max plus that does not happen! Seeing is believing! Watch the Video with Johnny Rutherford! It is worth the watch! See why Enviro-Max Plus as a US Patented Catalyst makes your same gas or diesel burn better and cleaner! We do not want to knock anyone product! There are many additives that work on the principal of using high detergents to clean your engine for more effective mileage and engine treatments to make less friction to increase your mileage! Very few of them have a US Patent and very few of them have documented proof of increasing your mileage up to 35% ( Read the Testimonials for yourself!) Put Simply: Enviro-Max Plus makes your regular fuel whether it be gas or diesel burn better and cleaner like Super Fuel!!! If you have a 20 gallon tank, fill it up and add 4 ounces during decarbonaztion or break in period and then use 1 ounce per 10 gallon from then on. If you add only 15 gallons you ad only 1 1/2 ounces! You don't have to own a 320 gallon tank to use it! Hopefully, We have made ourselves more clear what we were trying to say earlier! What we are trying to explain is simply this! Regardless what kind of vehicle you drive and it doesn't mater how well your vehicle is running.....Enviro-Max Plus will make it run even better! Here is a challenge for everyone! Try it and use it and if you are not happy with your results with in a 60 days. return the balance with the empty container for a 100% refund on the purchase price! For clarification: Order 2 16 ounce bottles for the purchase price of $37.95 and the shipping of $8.95 by UPS to your front door for a total price of $46.90. You get a happy results or claim your Purchase Price of $37.95 money back guarantee!!! Little or No Risk for Huge results! Better yet order the Co-Partner Special for $99.95 plus shipping by UPS and get 4 bottles of Enviro-Max Plus, a free website like ours, and marketing kit and materials! Earn commissions on all sales on your website and all co-partners from your website. It is fun and it works! It also comes with a 60 day Money back guarantee on the purchase price. Even if you just decide you don't want to do the business for any reason at all! However you would be surprised at what your response will be with a few business cards slipped under windshield wipers will do to drive people too your website! We are not Marketing Guru's but we sure enjoy doing business with a company that has stood behind their product and has done everything that they said that it would! You will see proven documents and actual proof if you take the time to see all the information available at referred by Gary and Janice Hawkins ID#2749701 We wish you all great success in all you choose to do and smaller fuel bills as well, sincerely, Gary and Janice Hawkins of Lewiston, Idaho.
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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/27/2006 6:45:12 PM
Hi Gary, I knew what you meant by the 320 gallons statement, just had to poke in a little joke there. I am not going to add anymore to this type of forum, nor will I share anymore of my knowledge of the automobile, I am going to concentrate on Internet Marketing as you just done in that last post. I don't think anyone has to be made to defend any product or defend the things that they know are sure. I sneezed today and now I am unable to walk again, I maybe away for awhile because with this pain I may have to take the surgery that the doctors tell me I definitely need. I hope that you have and are having great success with that product on the Internet. Regards, Jerome Pfeifer Sr. P.S Please do not anyone get my email and load my box up with med offers, I know well how to attain pain pills, if I want to dope up.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising

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