
Who is Jerome Pfeifer?

Jerome Pfeifer

Jerome Pfeifer
Member SinceSunday, June 22, 2003
Last ActivitySaturday, September 17, 2011
LocationGrenada, Mississippi, United States United States
About Me
About Me

The Totem Pole


You can't climb the totem pole, because the people at the top is kicking you down, the people on the bottom is pulling you down. You have to get yourself a long rope, throw it around the top of the pole, pull the pole down to you, when you get it down, grab the pole, let go the rope, and swing up.My-Dad(1928-2007)



My Dad first spoke those words to me when I was 14 years old. I told him I did not know what he was talking about, he replied it will come to you when it's time. I was working in his Auto Repair shop after school at the time. I could write a book around that but that is not why I am changing my about me page.

Yesterday I had a conversation with one of my friends and they really had no idea of how to talk to me, they all but said that I was dumb, I promised not to mention who they are and I never will.

They hurt my feelings, and I got so angry that I had to stop let some time go by to finish my reply to them, they did apologize, which I accepted. What I am trying to say here is this get to know the person that you are going to be doing business with, don't think that because you can't see them that they are just another propect of an invisible person on the other end of that computer you are using. They are a real person!

I live by convictions, rules, and principles, I don't tolorate people talking down to me well. I don't accept people telling me that I can't do something. If there is a way to do something I find it, if you can't help me come up with a solution than don't try and hender me.

I am very industrious, and I do read; that is why I am here in the first place, looking for new ways of making money. I am or was (my occupation), the old term Auto Mechanic we were called grease monkeys under that one, the new term after 1982 Automotive Technician, that is until I was injured and had surgery on my back(The doctor messed me up so bad, and talked to me like I was a feild hand, I wanted to kill him; told me to get back to work! He Died!) in 1997. I've owned my own Semi Trucks, driven hundreds of miles over the road. Been thru Hell and still going thru it. While driving trucks I've been in places in America where they would not even wait on me at truck stops. Yeah! it's real!

I am going to let that be, just a short introduction of who I am and what I stand for. If you can give me respect I will return it with the utmost respect to you.

Jerome Pfeifer,Sr.

My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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Philena Rush - (8/27/2006 1:00:21 PM) : Very helpful friend of the community!
Robin McLean - (6/22/2006 4:36:26 AM) : Excellent marketing tools presented.
Linda Swanigan - (9/14/2005 9:51:12 PM) : very good response
Marilyn L Martin - (9/10/2005 3:47:17 AM) : HI Jerome,

I am giving Jerome a rating of "10" because I believe he deserves it for all that he does in our community! He is an active member at AdlandPro...he writes forums to inspire and try to help people. He is a very friendly person, kind, considerate and cares about his fellow man! Jerome is well liked by the community and is an asset to AdlandPro. He makes our community a much nicer place. Also, he is not too bad to look at either! LOL I am proud to call him my Friend!
Jerome keep up the awesome job you are doing here and just continue being you!

Your Friend,

Marilyn L. Ali
Jerome Pfeifer - (9/10/2005 3:47:17 AM) : Why Thank You Marilyn!
Those are very encouraging words, just what I needed.

Your friend,

Jerome Pfeifer Sr
Kathy Hamilton - (8/3/2005 9:36:06 PM) : Hello Sir,
very informitive site, welcome and glad you are here, have most wonderful day, kathy martin
Jerome Pfeifer - (8/3/2005 9:36:06 PM) : Kathy,

I have to say "You Are A Wonderful One".

I got to get back to work on it to make it more helpful for new people like me.

Your friend,
Jerome Pfeifer Sr
The Cardioman James Kinney - (2/11/2005 4:39:13 PM) : Jerome, You have all your ducks in a row,
good looking profile and information.
Jerome Pfeifer - (2/11/2005 4:39:13 PM) : I told you that you two are two of the most wonderful people on the Internet.

Thank You!

Your Friend,

Jerome Pfeifer


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