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Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 1:04:41 PM
Hello Everyone. Today I'm not out to discredit any of the 'Fuel Saving' pills, potion's & gizmo's out there, recent events are doing that for me. I truly hope that one day one will actually work but, testing by the EPA & many other scientific lab's, including a hilarious, if somewhat unbiased scientific(?) test on a recent edition of Mythbusters. (Weds Eve Discovery Channel USA) does show that most, if not all of these so called wonder product's are in fact as much good as the olden days 'Snake oil' cures for everything. A recent one that is getting a lot of publicity (maybe because the Vortex group has something to do with it, or maybe not!) is 'Ethos' or 4Ecorp. Now in no way am I knocking these people or what they are doing, however whilst researching another 'fuel saving device' I came across this interesting piece.

(Note the Tony whose website this is on is not me, I do not personaly know him or support any of his finding's, I just use his & other websites like his for following through with research, checking good reviews & bad reviews into new businesses & opportunity's that arrive in my email box)

As you can see, he or others have done quite a lot of research into, not only Ethos but many of the fuel saving products around at this present time. The interesting part of this piece, is that Ethos does do what it originally claimed to do & that is clean up diesel exhaust fumes, which it does extremly well. I leave you to draw your own conclusions. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)
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Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 1:51:41 PM
Hi Anthony, I could not have said better? I am a big sceptic of these so called fuel saving pills etc. I used to use one about 15 years ago to help my engine run more effectively, wither it worked or not I cant say but I used it for a year or more. With out sounding political why dont the various governments get involved and use them big time to help the increase of fuel prices? could it be something about tax? or just that they dont work? If they do work then why is it not advertised on TV like the latest mobile phone charger sorry had to put it here to prove a point? Best regards Paul Aka Soldier Blue
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Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 1:54:40 PM
What an exhaustive reading here! I tried to go through almost everything there tho I'm not to sure of either ideas: true or not true what ever its said. I have somekind of Hamlet's dilema here LOL The only thing I can state that the ones who wrote the text on the sites were either machanical engineers trying to explain chemical issues, or chemists trying to put chemistry into some mechanics. Anyway chemical explanations are so very poor and non-convinceing; sometimes even funny. Anyway, me as a chemical engineer I'm not convinced of their explanations. So, in case I would be interested in that product I'd need more infos or other ones! LOL If that Ethos is realy such a good product, and I do not say that it isn't, than the company should pay more attention to their site and marketing by this chanel?! Hm, is hard for me to speak about this because it isn't just a chit-chat I'm used to/or with?! :-) Anyway thank you Anthony for drawing our attention to this issue. With friendship, Anamaria
Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 2:23:19 PM
Hi Paul. Nice to hear from you. Yes, if the Govt's wanted to help, you would think they would devolp ways to reduce fuel consumption, or (shock) car companies would produce more efficent engines. However like you say, I guess it would make a dent in the tax's gathered. As for your advert for the phone charger, guess you missed my other post on that company....... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)
Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 2:25:41 PM
Hi Anamaria. No, I must admit I am not a chemical engineer either but, I know when something does not smell right... Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)

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