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Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 10:03:09 PM
HI Anthony, Thanks so much for always warning us about scams, viruses, and the like! You help to keep us all informed, and you teach us to be better consumers and better at choosing business opportunites that may look fantastic, but are not what they seem to be! Good Lookin' Out My Friend! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/24/2006 10:42:24 PM
Hello Anthony! :-) You're right most Fuel Additives or Treatments don't work as well as they claim but I have been using DIPETANE for a year now and I'm getting around a 20% increase in my mileage. I record my miles at each fill-up so I know what I used to get and am getting per tankful in the city and on the highway. DIPETANE has been endorsed and tested by major companies, some are Coca Cola of Ireland, the Gough Group (Caterpillar Company), US Food, Western Foods, Sysco Foods, the Irish Republican Army, several School Districts (Capistranos for one), and more... I don't think these folks would use DIPETANE if it didn't work. You have to prove to the board of your company that a product is worth the investment before they will spend the money on it and these companies had someone do that for them, so now they use DIPETANE! DIPETANE™ ADVANTAGE: * Increases Power! * Better fuel economy 10%-17%. * Reduces emissions and burns cooler. * Lubricates fuel injection pump. * Cleans the fuel injectors and keeps them clean. * Extends engine life - less down time. * Cleans fuel tanks. * Burns carbon deposits from the combustion chamber. * Does not clog filters or damage equipment. * Cleans supply lines of sludge and heavy deposits. * Meets or exceeds all fuel specifications. Dipetane™ Uses" * Diesel Trucks * Heavy Construction Equipment * Trains and Locomotives * Farm Equipment * Buses * Automobiles * Oil based Heating * Ships and Boats * Mowers & Chainsaws * Motor Bikes * Generators and more Don't you think it's time you try DIPETANE?! ;-) Thank you for your time! :-) John Sanchez My Blogs Goodwill Ambassador WOSAT-Looking for a few committed individuals. If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!
Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/25/2006 6:22:40 AM
Anthony, Very food information! I took a look at one compensation plan, which is a Binary and determined that for any money saved, there would be money lost due compensation not being paid on the Strong Leg when the 2 legs did not balance. Did you know, that the octane could be boosted with two moth balls per tank. This dosen't mean that millage would increase.
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/25/2006 12:08:00 PM
Hello to everyone who took the time to post replys. Normally I would answer each and everyone of you seperately but due to the countdown to our move being now at 16 days and there seems to be two months worth of things to do, I hope you will all understand why I have done a blanket reply. As I said in the begining of this post, I am not making any comments one way or the other on any of the products on the market today for saving gas. If any of you have personally found and are marketing a product that has been thourghly tested, the compensation plans for the actual marketing is fair and does not rely on any sort of matrix payment system for you to receive adequate commision for the hard work you do advertising, the product itself does do what the manufacturers claim for it, based on your findings and independant testing by unbiased lab's. Then, I am extremly happy for you all and I hope you have great succes as,I'm sure you have already carried out yout due research and have found everything with the company's concerned and product to be above board. Too these people I am preaching to the converted, it's to others who are considering either the long term use of any of the products around today. or may be thinking about getting into the marketing side of these products, to carry out thourgh research on any product before putting it into your vehicles, after all a slight increase in gas prices is better than the cost of a new engine. Your Security Friend in Las Vegas. (Soon to be in Oregon)
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Re: Do more research on these so called Fuel Savers!
5/25/2006 6:28:06 PM
Hi Anthony, I can speak from a professional standpoint on these fuel savers. As I have posted in other forums, be careful of the language that you use if you are going to promote one of these. There is no additive that can cut down on maintenance costs; this is part of the operating expense if you own any vehicle. These additives however may help to keep your engine and mechanical parts clean between maintenance; but will not increase milage. May serve to maintain milage set by the manufacturer by keeping the machanical parts in good working order. You must perform maintenance as scheduled by the manufacturer or loose the performance of the vehicle. It is the cost of gas that is creating a market for these type of affiliate programs. This is what a lot of Automotive Technicians will tell their customers that are trying to get around maintenance cost: "Pay me now or Pay me Later" It is cheaper to perform maintenance than repair work. If you are buying gas of poor quality than you need to add an additive to help keep your vehicle at the proper operating temp. I won't go any further than this here, as everyone only has to read the handbook that came with the vehicle, to konw how and when to perform the maintance that it needs. Now we should write our Senetors to find out why gas has went out of reach for some of us. I have a sneakie feeling it is to rebuild the coast with our dollars that the oil companies are presently collecting. I think in the near future we are going to hear how much the oil companies have contributed to the rebuilding of New Orleans with our money. What do you think? Happy Motoring! Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
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