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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 12:40:28 PM
Hold on Rudy, You've taken it far enough now! I've already recognize that you are not a Automotive Technician. I never said that these air filters were not compatible; besides that we were talking about additives, not air filters. I even commented that these were good air filters. And if there are some mechanics that wish to recommend them to their customers it would be a good choice. But merely having a good air filter will not change the fact that the oil will still have to be changed at the regular intervals, or risk losing it's viscosity. See you have to check for information I have it in my head. As you stated you have to clean that filter at every oil change, which is the best practice, if not replacing it. It is only good for a specified increment, so how does this cut down on maintenance cost. It is a added protection that I would recommend to those that could afford it, like you. So next time that we are talking about additives let's keep it on topic. You don't have to attack me at every level, which is plain to see that is what you are and have been doing, so enough already. Your Friend Still! Jerome Pfeifer SR.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 6:56:18 PM
Greetings Jerome Pfeifer Sr. Greetings from Gary and Janice Hawkins of Lewiston, Idaho. It is great to see you and Rudy expressing your opinions! Like both of you We also have an opinion! When you start looking at ways to increase fuel mileage it is pretty simple! If your vehicle is tuned up to the max and everything is running at it's best you should get your best mileage!!!! However, You can choose all kinds of additives, some use high detergents to clean your engine to help make it run more efficient others use a slicker oil concept to make your engine have less friction to improve fuel mileage. However again none of these products fall in line as a US Patented Fuel Catalyst called Enviro-Max Plus!!! Best answers are to watch a short Video with Johnny Rutherford on why it does what it does! Well worth the watch! Why does it work? Simply because it does something that No other product does! All vehicles only burn 80% to 85% of all the fuel you put through them and that is NORMAL, while the other 15% to 20% goes out the exhaust pipes as emissions or vehicle pollution! Doesn't seem reasonable that these emissions also contaminate your oil causing wear and tear on your engine as well. Enviro-Max Plus as a US Patented Fuel Catalyst enables your engine to burn up to 99% of all that same fuel you have been buying and only about 1% goes out the exhaust pipes as emissions or vehicle pollution. It stands to reason that with that much less contaminates getting into your oil that you will have much less wear and tear on your engine! Enviro-Max Plus has document proof that it can increase your vehicle's mileage up to 35% and increase the life of your engine up to 50%!!! What is even more exciting is it will also decrease your vehicle's emissions or vehicle pollution by up to 80% for cleaner air for us all to breath as well! We suggest that you read the testimonials on site to hear what other people have to say about Enviro-Max Plus! Speaking for ourselves, We drive a 2003 Pontiac Vibe 4dr, 4 cylinder, auto and air. Both of us are large people as you can see by our pictures. We were getting about 28 mpg to 29 mpgs on the road say to Boise, Idaho from Lewiston, Idaho before using Enviro-Max Plus. We have seen a huge increase in mileage since using Enviro-Max Plus. It is constantly improving the longer we use it. Over the weekend of May 19th and through 21st, We drove hard and fast as speed limits allow using air-conditioning and drove 327 miles on 8.5 gallons of gas and even though we had quit a load of stuff for our kids, we still got 38.5 miles per gallon. We are enjoying a 34% increase in mileage which makes us Save right at a THIRD the cost of each gallon of fuel we buy? Our fillup cost $2.94 a gallon. You do the math? 8.5 gallons cost = $24.99 and we Saved $8.33 on one fill up and we used 1 ounce of Enviro-Max per 10 gallons of gas. We are saving about 98 cents per gallon not including the extra benefits too! Two 16 ounce bottles of Enviro-Max plus will make 320 gallons of gas for our Pontiac and we could fill our tank 32 times if it were empty each and every time so we can easily fill it even more at 7 to 8 gallons at a time but based on 8.5 gallon per fill up, 320 gallons would fill our tank 37.6 times. So Saving $8.33 times 37.6 equals a total SAVINGS of $313.21 per 2 bottles that cost as a user $37.95 plus $8.95 for shipping to your door by United Parcel Service or UPS for a total cost of $46.90 WE THINK THAT IS A GREAT INVESTMENT! Check out the Co-Partner Special? Documented Results of Enviro-Max Plus: 1. Up to 35% increase in gas mileage (miles per gallon). 2. For every $1.00 you spend on Enviro-Max Plus, SAVE up to $3.00 in Fuel Savings. 3. Additionally, SAVE on future engine repairs and/or tune-ups by reducing engine wear and tear by 50% or more. 4. Increases Horsepower & Performance. 5. Up to 20% boost in power for Diesel Engines. 6. Up to 80 % reduction in Emission of Pollutants through Exhaust. 7. Displaces engine water, helps prevent fuel line freeze up and fuel “gelling”. 8. Extends the life of your car. 9. Enviro-Max Plus will not harm your engine. EnviroMax Plus Guarantee If EnviroMax Plus fails to work as claimed after being used in a vehicle for 400 or more miles; you can return any unused portion for a 100% refund within 60 days of purchase on the purchase price, No Risk just Results. Nine plus years of testing and use has proven that EnviroMax Plus will not harm any internal combustion engine; in fact all testing has proved EnviroMax Plus will extend engine life. EnviroMax Plus International, Inc. guarantees the use of EnviroMax Plus to be safe for use in any internal combustion engine. If EnviroMax Plus can be shown in any type of test to have damaged any internal combustion engine, EnviroMax Plus International, Inc. will replace the damaged parts of the engine free of charge. Both Users and Marketers are welcome! Referred by Gary and Janice Hawkins ID#2749701 All documents are available for your viewing on site! Start your own CoPartner Business Today, enroll online Exciting Co-Partner Business Opportunity! Right now, Extreme Research is building a worldwide network of thousands of CoPartners just like you. To reward you and all our other CoPartners for spreading the message about EnviroMax Plus, we have reserved the majority of the profit from our sales for you. How can get your share of this potential income? By Becoming a CoPartner with Extreme Research for as low as $99.95! Our CoPartners spend just a few minutes each day, spreading the message about EnviroMax Plus. When you help us spread the exciting message about EnviroMax Plus, you can tap into our powerful CoPartner Millionaire Style Compensation plan, and end up with a Free Car, a Free House, plus a big commission check every month! To learn more about the exciting CoPartner opportunity, listen to our 20 minute Business Presentation Call: Live Call Schedule: PreRecorded Presentation Call: Mondays & Thursdays at 10:00 PM (EST) (973) 854-1366, Box #1 Conference Call #: (212)990-8000, Pin Code 6175 at: Gary and Janice Hawkins are Proud to express our opinion and our website has the facts to back us up! So! now what do you think? emails welcome!
Flag of Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 9:20:17 PM
Here'a an angle I'll bet you haven't thought of. DIY'er Oil Change Comparisons: Oil Change instructions for Women: 1) Pull up to a drive-thru lube when the mileage reaches 3000 miles since the last oil change. 2) Drink a cup of coffee. 3) 15 minutes later, write a check and leave with a properly maintained vehicle. Money spent: Oil Change $20.00 Coffee $1.00 Total $21.00 ================================================== Oil Change instructions for Men: 1) Wait until Saturday, drive to auto parts store and buy a case of oil, filter, kitty litter, hand cleaner and a scented tree, write a cheque for $50.00. 2) Stop by 7-11 and buy a case of beer, write a cheque for $20, drive home. 3) Open a beer and drink it. 4) Jack up car. Spend 30 minutes looking for jack stands. 5) Find jack stands & your kid's pedal car. 6) In frustration, open another beer and drink it. 7) Place drain pan under engine. Cool. Look for 9/16 box end wrench. 9) Give up and use crescent wrench. 10) Unscrew drain plug. 11) Drop drain plug in pan of hot oil: splash hot oil on you in process. Cuss. 12) Crawl out from under car to wipe hot oil off of face and arms. Throw kitty litter on spilled oil. 13) Have another beer while watching oil drain. 14) Spend 30 minutes looking for oil filter wrench. 15) Give up; crawl under car and hammer a screwdriver through oil filter and twist off. 16) Crawl out from under car with dripping oil filter splashing oil everywhere from holes. Cleverly hide old oil filter among trash in trash can to avoid environmental penalties. Drink a beer. 17) Buddy shows up; finish case of beer with him. Decide to finish oil change tomorrow so you can go see his new garage door opener. 18) Sunday: Skip church because "I gotta finish the ! oil change." Drag pan full of old oil out from underneath car. Cleverly dump oil in hole in back yard instead of taking it back to Kragen to recycle. 19) Throw kitty litter on oil spilled during step 18. 20) Beer? No, drank it all yesterday. 21) Walk to 7-11; buy beer. 22) Install new oil filter making sure to apply a thin coat of oil to gasket surface. 23) Dump first quart of fresh oil into engine. 24) Remember drain plug from step 11. 25) Hurry to find drain plug in drain pan. 26) Remember that the used oil is buried in a hole in the back yard, along with drain plug. 27) Drink beer. 28) Shovel out hole and sift oily mud for drain plug. Re-shovel oily dirt into hole. Steal sand from kids sandbox to cleverly cover oily patch of ground and avoid environmental penalties. Wash drain plug in lawnmower gas. 29) Discover that first quart of fresh oil is now on the floor. Throw kitty litter on oil spill. 30) Drink beer. 31) Crawl under car getting kitty litter into eyes. Wipe eyes with oily rag used ! to clean drain plug. Slip with stupid crescent wrench tightening drain plug and bang knuckles on frame. 32) Bang head on floorboards in reaction to step 31. 33) Begin cussing fit. 34) Throw stupid crescent wrench. 35) Cuss for additional 10 minutes because wrench hit bowling trophy. 36) Beer. 37) Clean up hands and forehead and bandage as required to stop blood flow. 38) Beer. 39) Beer. 40) Dump in five fresh quarts of oil. 41) Beer. 42) Lower car from jack stands. 43) Accidentally crush remaining case of new motor oil. 44) Move car back to apply more kitty litter to fresh oil spilled during steps 23 - 43. 45) Beer. 46) Test drive car. 47) Get pulled over: arrested for driving under the influence. 48) Car gets impounded. 49) Call loving wife, make bail. 50) 12 hours later, get car from impound yard. Money spent: Parts $50.00 DUI $2500.00 Impound fee $75.00 Bail $1500.00 Beer $40.00 Total - - $ 4,165.00
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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 10:03:18 PM
Hi Gary, I am going to leave this right where it is because you can't talk to someone who is using sophism to get their point accross. For the sake of friendship I am not going to respond to Rudy anymore it is very obvious to me that he has a hidden motive by his responses to me. I know automobiles better than I know myself; after all I made a living working on them for years. I know that if you own any vehicle made from 1982 until the present that if you keep it in the reccomendations of the manufacturer that you can fill the tank with gas set a drinking class under the tail pipe and get a class of water clean enough to drink- (I wouldn't advise that you drink it). But this is being taught today as it was when they first implemented the 3cs. Now if you are like me and still like the old models; new as well, than you need to know how to maintain the performance. I feel I have said enough to substantiate my claims, except one thing; I know some women that will make some men look like fools when it comes to Automotive Technology. I checked Rudy's profile and I noticed he has his age at 105, that would put his birthyear in 1901, we know the history of that area from there to 1968, without the details. That tells his motive for his responses to me. He don't have what it takes, this is my last response to this forum on this subject. I only hope I have made enough people aware of the fact that maintanance costs are part of the operating expense of the vehicle, and cannot be cut down as they have to be performed at regular scheduled intervals. Case Closed! Your Friend, Jerome Pfeifer Sr.
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising
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Re: "Happy Motoring"
5/26/2006 10:29:48 PM
Gary, I have one question for you, this is your statement you made, read it and then answer my question: ===================================== Two 16 ounce bottles of Enviro-Max plus will make 320 gallons of gas for our Pontiac and we could fill our tank 32 times if it were empty each and every time so we can easily fill it even more at 7 to 8 gallons at a time but based on 8.5 gallon per fill up, 320 gallons would fill our tank 37.6 times. So Saving $8.33 times 37.6 equals a total SAVINGS of $313.21 per 2 bottles that cost as a user $37.95 plus $8.95 for shipping to your door by United Parcel Service or UPS for a total cost of $46.90 WE THINK THAT IS A GREAT INVESTMENT! ====================================== What do you have to mix it with to make 320 gallons of gas? With two 16oz. bottles of that I could start my own gas company. The only reason you got the gas milage is that you stated that you drove the speed that was allowed, held the pedal at one level and not on and off the gas. Driving habit changed, next the gas you were buying had to be of poor quality for any improvement to have been noticed. It's simple that the gas companies or stations are ripping us off. Every now and then they get caught watering down the gas. Jerome
Jerome Contact EM: $250 In FREE Advertising

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