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Joe Downing

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/22/2007 12:59:27 PM

From one POTW to another, you should wait until this week is over and you have recovered your energy.  I'm sure by now you are feeling exactly what I didn't tell you the other day.  The exhuberance of being in the glow of goodness and surrounded by the warmth of those who adore you and those who you adore.  It is like receiving hundreds of butterfly kisses all at once.  It tickles, but like flowing silk is soothing.  The desire to word everything personal draws unusual energy from within and leaves you with a satisfaction but exhausted. It is an emotion very few experience, yet all should.  It is the gift of exchaning pure love with others.  You do it so graciously.  You truly are a Queen.  You are awesome!

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Terry Gorley

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/22/2007 1:41:46 PM

Have you got that box of Kleenex handy, Joe!  I was doing really good today, but you stop by and like a river that has flooded its banks ... well you know!

Gotta go ... I'm being featured today over at Katheryn's Hotseat, too!  There was a problem with the link, so I havn't been busy yet, but expect I will if Katheryn knows her figures and I'm sure she does.



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Judy Smith

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/22/2007 9:06:31 PM

Hi Terry,

I should be updating my Bird Eseentials website and here I am reading Joe's beautiful post to you and yours to him and I find myself needing Joe's kleenex.

He's is right on.  I remember how exhausted I was at the end of every day - it was a good exhaustion - knowing that you are putting you into everything you post.  POTW hands you the responsibility of reading every post before you answer, of being personal and on target with every one. 

You are living up to that and more because here you are POTW and today's HOTSEAT queen too! 

So, when the week is done, you are find yourself with more friends and a great satisfaction of a job well done for a position well earned and deserved. 

So, I propose and facial and full body massage and a long sit in the hot tub!!

YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE BEST!! You make a difference in the lives of so many every day.  I just told Joe this and I will tell you the same.  You are all things to all people and people like you and Joe are hard to come by and I am so blessed to have you both as good friends here!

HUGS and LOVE!!!

I think this forum has been nicely "revived"

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/22/2007 9:07:54 PM
Great topic,
Yes go after your dreams,
Walk by faith not by sight.
Kathy Hamilton/
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Diane Morris

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/23/2007 5:14:12 PM

Hi Terry,

Thanks for the invitation to read and respond to all of your current posts.

Yes, I believe there are no coincidences to life. All of our failures are just dress rehearsals to the future successes we are destined to have.

What has made such a great  difference in my life is my weekly mastermind call that I have every Wednesday night @ 8pm EST. Every week we read a chapter of Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill  and send in our thoughts about the chapter we just read. The book is an ebook so basically there is absolutely no cost involved. It is amazing what the subconscious mind (feeling/creative side of our brain) will create for us.

If anyone would like to join our mastermind weekly call, you can email me and I will be happy to share the number. You can start anytime. To everyone's success.... 

Diane Morris, Success coach/mentoring




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