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Judy Smith

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
4/16/2007 11:56:32 AM

Hi Amanda,

The vision board or refrigerator is perfect. 

 I had to laugh though at the thought of being borrowed by you to help you decorate.  I am the world's WORST.  I actually use magazine pictures of what I want and then I take the picture to someone who does know what she's doing and I say "do this please" 

Close your eyes, picture it.  If it's a car you want.  Go to the car dealership and take the one you want for a test drive -  feel the steering wheel, and the feel of the seats.  Make it yours.  You possess it. 

Our destiny is a journey .  Whether it's success or not - we can't get to either end of the spectrum without creating it ourselves.  Envision what you want and go get it.  The action is the most important part after the vision.

A friend of mine used to say:  Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it!


Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/8/2007 11:42:50 AM

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Terry Gorley

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/8/2007 5:25:21 PM

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Thank you for visiting, Hugh.  You might want to make your post in the Making A Difference Forum when you Introduce Yourself.  I created a thread there for that purpose.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

When we create our own Destiny, it involves our physical, emotional, and spiritual choices we make along the way.

What will the journey to your Destiny look like? 

Will you be healthy and stress free?  Not likely stress free lol ... that would be a good one, but able to manage your stress so it doesn't affect you physically.  Will you believe in the Higher Powers of the Universe?

What will your life look like and if it doesn't look the way you want it to ... what will you do about it?

As always, I love to give you something to think about!

Smile & Have A Wonderful Day





How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Judy Smith

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/8/2007 8:42:28 PM

Hi Terry,

You are creating your own destiny, my friend.  Last time I looked at the POTW voting poll - you had a fair lead!!  This is YOUR week my friend.    Good luck with is through the balance of the week.

Hugs my friend, sister and partner.


Terry Gorley

2831 Posts
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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
5/8/2007 9:17:28 PM

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

You are just the sweetest, Judy!  I just looked and its really too close to call!  Its early in the week and there's ony 72 votes cast.

I wish I had known about POTW when you were nominated ... now that would have been fun!

Joe had a good run ... like you he made a great POTW!  All the POTWs do ... they're all winners as are all the candidates!

I believe we are all Creating Our Destiny, together ... Team works ... its great!

All For One and One For All



How To Be 1 of 5 Million

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