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Terry Gorley

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How To Create Your Own Destiny
4/14/2007 5:22:02 PM
Hello Friends & Visitors,
Awhile ago, I had the privilege of listening to Patrick Snow speak about "Creating Your Own Destiny."  Over the past couple of years, I have listened and learned from several speakers.  All of them are marvelous, but few had the impact Patrick did.  His energy and enthusiasm left me literally speechless!
In A Nutshell
Patrick asks:
Are you creating your own destiny or is your destiny based on someone else's wants and dreams for you?
Do you have a dream or vision, but don't know how to achieve it? ... What are your dreams?
Do you let fear get in your way?  You might want to remember ... Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real or Falsely Expecting Awful Results
Identify your fears 
Take the leap of faith
Never let someone else's opinion of you determine your reality.
As human beings we all want time, money, freedom, health, love & happiness.  
Follow your passions
Remember a job is a good thing, but view it as being the temporary vehicle you need to get where you want to be.
Destiny does not occur by chance ... destiny occurs by choice.
Don't be a "wandering generality" (Someday I'll) ... be specific about your goals.
You may not know how you are going to reach your goals, but when you visualize them and know you can, you will not fail will achieve it.
There are 4 steps in Creating Your Destiny:
Dream ... while you are awake
    Pre-determine your destination in advance
    Determine what mid-life adjustments you need to make to meet your destination
Execute those plans
    Ideas without action are worthless
     Nothing worthwhile in life comes without risk
    You will soar like an eagle when you achieve your goals with a balance of faith, family, wealth and health
For many in the process of earning money health is lost ... Patrick suggests exercising an hour everyday, eliminating sweets, and drinking only water ... (My note ... yay, Joe and The Energized Marketeers! ... Get Energized ... get X2O!)
Work for freedom not for money
Only those who can see the invisible can achieve the impossible
How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
4/14/2007 6:02:46 PM

Hi Terry,

Very good article you posted here.

I love the slogan, "Work for freedom not money".  No one should have their destiny determined by money.

Terry Gorley

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
4/14/2007 8:01:39 PM

Hello Mary,

Thank you for visiting and posting in The Grapevine.  I'm glad you enjoyed the article.  I too like Patrick's slogan.

Freedom is a precious commodity that too often we take for granted. 

Neither freedom nor health should be comprised for money.



How To Be 1 of 5 Million
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
4/14/2007 10:15:27 PM
Hello Terry,

Thank you your invitation and a good topic of conversation.

When I was young I had the far off dream of
coming to America to see some of the country,
even to this day when I am here, I do not know
where that idea stremmed from because I did not
know anyone in the States at that time.

As I got into my adulthood and my friends and
people I knew in my old home town spoke of travelling to England (such a lot of New Zealanders take their
first overseas trip to live and work to Britian) I just
had no desire whatsoever to go there. 

Anyway, as I was saying, this dream became stronger and stronger.  One day while chatting with my online friends one of them said why not come out for a visit and before I knew it I had 3 main friends to stay with - everything fell into place and I was flying out within about 6 weeks.

Kind regards

Terry Gorley

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
4/14/2007 11:44:12 PM

Amanda that is just wonderful!

When a dream is strong enough there is no stopping it.  It may take a short time or it may take a long time, but it will happen as long as you believe.

I'm so happy your dream came true for you and I hope whatever dreams you have now that they come true too.

Hey, didn't we have a terrific time dancin' at Linda's last night?  We sure were ENERGIZED with all that X2O!




How To Be 1 of 5 Million