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Terry Gorley

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Re: How To Create Your Own Destiny
6/27/2008 1:10:24 PM

Congratulations Nick Grimshawe! ... your Destiny has taken you to be our POTW King ... what a wonderful experience it is.  I left a note for everyone to join your POTW Pooh Party!

I love both the books by Benjamin Hoff.  They take a little to digest at times, but when you have read and re-read the words they make incredible sense.  To BE like Pooh is an awesome way to live your life.

Indeed, I do love your words Walk In Quiet Places.  What a wonderful way to BE as we journey towards our Destiny.

It would have been wonderful to have learned the Taoist Way when I was younger.   Ah well ... 

I heard that 90 is the new 50!  That gives us plenty of time to learn, grow and teach a Harmonious way of living ... At one with the Universe ... through the Wisdom of the Taoists!





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