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Michael Caron

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RE: Update on Shirley
8/29/2018 2:15:31 PM

Hi Honey!

Thank you so much for all the Loving care you have given me. Every day I was in the hospital, I prayed for the Lord to watch over you and surround you with His Love. I am so glad to be home with you and pray that I will not have to go in the hospital again. When I see the gynocologist, we'll find out if he will be removing the cyst on my left ovary which they found from the pelvic exam they took at the hospital. I Love You With All My 💓.Hi Honey. You have a long road ahead, and I will be with you every step of the way. I love you, always have and always will. I am glad that you are home, but I have to admit that you did have a couple of hot nurses while you were in the hospital. They could never replace you, but they could be standbys. Wait a minute. I didn't say that out loud, did I? Love you. When you were in the hospital I was a lonely boy. Lonesome and blue. Such a lonely boy, with nothing to do. Hey, that sounds like it would be a good song. Your loving husband ~Mike~

Love and Blessings

Your Loving Wife

Shirley Caron

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: Update on Shirley
8/29/2018 2:29:12 PM
Hi Myrna. No problem. I found Bill. I am also so happy that Shirley came in. ~Mike~
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: Update on Shirley
12/1/2018 5:51:29 PM
KeithBradfordYaGottaLuvIt.jpgHi all. I just thought that I would come in and give you an update on Shirley. She still has her good days and bad days, but since they switched her from Wafarin to Elequis she has not had any more problems with bleeding. She still has a couple more tests that they want to take, but I am trying to arrange it so the tests are not too close together to give her time to rest up in between. She is feeling a lot better than she did, however she still has periods of uncertainty. I am hoping that will pass. Our friends Anne and Steve took us to the Golden Coral for Veteran's appreciation s Day. Although she did not think she was up to it, she had a wonderful time. I am trying to pace things the best I can, however an opportunity is coming up that we can't slip away. Shirley has a beautiful singing voice and Keith Bradford wants us to send in one of her cover songs to play on the air world-wide. This will be followed up with an original song that he has picked out that he wants her to sing as well. We began this business in 2003 with the sole purpose of getting Shirley reckognized. We have helped a lot of people get ahead, but Shirley never did get the chance. She has that chance now, and I hope she can do it. We have a wonderful friend in Minnesota that is also a song-writer and she is also beautiful. Her name is Karen Rechtzigel karen 1.jpgOnce Shirley gets her first couple of songs on the charts, we are thinking of having her sing a couple of hers. Basically, I want to get Shirley to start singing and practicing and keeping her mind off the negative and on the positive.
~ Mike ~
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Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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