Hi Kathy, I know that you mean well, But you have been posting your ads in Topics that have nothing to do with "Ads". That is the problem. I for one,, Have had you post your "Ads" In my forums (2) and in threads that are of Other importance. And you know this because I have emailed you about it and you still continue to post anyway.
I guess that is how we gain "Power" in adland??
Sorry Kathy,, I like you,,You are a caring person. But this is not right. We do not post our Jerky ads in your threads that have nothing to do with jerky.. We post in designated forums that have invited our ads and business. The last I counted,,There are 12 in my list that allow this. So,, There are very generous members here who welcome your ads. Use them.
Plus,, We have a direct contact that we all can use. I have great results from Adlandpro's Direct Contact.
Peace, Sharon