Hello Mary, Thank you for Coming and teaching us all about what Joe Downing was sharing with us in his forum. Your conduct is Appauling but we are still going to love you any way.
I am teaching and showing with forums how people as well as many emotions show their characters.You see Mary, You being a teacher as I am also A teacher for high school special Ed. My lessons are never done. If you really knew me you would know that I have methods of maddness. I do not know you and I have not had the pleasure of knowing you, so I have always taught That once you say anything from your mouth you can not put back in. I appreciate your opinion of me Mary and I appreciate that you think I am a great Marketer but you see Mary What makes me greater is that I have a heart. I think from my heart not my Brain.I am not afraid to let women or Men Attatck me but I have the right to confront what is being said. You are right Mary I am a Smart cookie.I am a Teacher like you,But one difference Mary. You showed everyone just how you really are!!! You just attatcked me you do not even know me!!! Everyone knows I would never say any thing bad about any one and let it go into google world. God says I must turn the other cheek so Mary Slap away.If it makes you feel better I will gladly be your whipping post. Mary, You have the right to be wrong.
I am sorry your having a bad day- I forgive you.
Mary, I will be waiting for your apology for being so rude to me and for taking your bad day out on me!!! Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com