Hi, Neil,
Don't worry too much about editing your posts - they are very inspiring.
I wasn't aware that I used 'big' words but I will take that as a compliment.
After a recent very bad attack I am now in the situation where I cannot remember how to do simple tasks. Because I use my keyboard a lot, once I have started to use it I can cope quite well but if I want to use a propelling pencil (which I did, recently when I was speaking to Peter Heavy), I simply can't make the darned thing work.
Even switching on a light can take me two or three minutes!
The knowledge of how it works is not diminished - simply the ability to put that knowledge to physical effect.
The same is true of just about everything at the moment - I certainly would hate to try to drive my van!
Why am I mentioning this?
Simply because when we learn something by repetition, we programme a part of our brain so that the action becomes almost autonomic - you do it without conscious thought.
My religious knowledge and beliefs have been brought to me through debate, reading, listening to the opinions of others and sifting and sorting what I accumulate.
I was an atheist for some years but then I started to feel that atheism was still leaving questions unanswered. Like all the other beliefs I had been through, it did not stand up by itself.
I would love to say that I had had an epiphany but that is not true. For a very short while I was absolutely convinced of the existence of God. I knew it as certainly as I know that I am typing at this moment.
MY beliefs have under-gone what has been a constant review and, like anything which is fluid and amorphous, it assumes a different proportion in what I consider to be my conscious existence.
You and many religious people are very fortunate because you actually KNOW the answers while I am still scrabbling around for the proper questions to ask - and I envy you.
If, unlike religious people, you were not programmed into atheism I congratulate you on finding your answers - I'm still looking.
Your response to my question about who programmed you into being an atheist has been very enlightening and I thank you for taking the time to post it.
Let's hope Dave doesn't mind us hogging his forum with something totally unrelated - or is it?
The Old Coot