Hi Neil,
Thank you for your kind words regarding my intelligence and education. I only hope that the little that I have is useful in helping others to live better live.
It would take a lot more than a post here on Adlandpro to explain to you why I believe the way I do. After reading your post, I think it would also take more than a simple post to explain why I differentiate between most people who call themselves Christian and those who actually are Christian.
The bottom line is that to be a Christian is defined to be one who is a follower of Jesus Christ. In order to figure out what that means, one must read what Jesus
Christ said.
Note also that the name, Christian, was not used by followers of Christ, themselves, first. It was a name given to them, just as the name, Anabaptist, now shortened to Baptist, was a name given by the Catholic church to those who baptized those formerly baptized by the Catholic church AFTER they put their faith in Jesus Christ. (It means rebaptizer.)
As far as the information that it contained in the Bible: I will not argue with you on the point of all the killing in the Bible, nor will I likely argue with you on many subjects you might bring up from the Bible. Those who deny what the Bible actually says are simply being foolish. What is, is, and what has happened has happened.
The bottom line, as I think I mentioned in a post some time ago; that is, the starting point from which all else is examined, is that IF an eternal, all powerful, creator god exists, then it does not matter one tiny bit what we think of him or what he does. Denying him will not make him go away, nor will judging him improve our lot or make him change.
I have put my faith in this God that you choose to deny, and am very comfortable with that faith. It fits the data I see all around me very well, and makes amazing sense out of things that science has struggled with for years. Incidently, science has NOT empirically proven evolution, any more than Christians have empirically proven the existence of a creator God. In fact, science cannot, even under very controlled (not random accidents) circumstances, recreate life. They have loudly trumpeted success in forming some extremely elemental molecules that are part of the building blocks of life, but even that led no further, and again, was under very controlled laboratory conditions.
There is a joke that some scientists came to God and challenged him to a man making contest. The challenge was accepted, and the scientists immediately reached for the raw materials out of the ground to start making a man. They were quickly told to get their own dirt!
You have put your faith in science, which has proven over and over again to make mistakes.
Some scientists even make the statement that what they know is the truth today will not necessarily be the truth tomorrow. What that statement means is twofold.
Firstly, they are admitting that scientists make mistakes. Big deal. So do I!
Secondly, they are saying that either absolute truth does not exist (a paradox), or that no one can know for sure what is absolutely true (a cop-out.)
The bottom line Neil, is this. If you're right, you have nothing to worry about, and neither do I (although Paul said that I am among the most miserable of men.)
However, if I'm right, then you have a very big problem.
God bless,