Hi Dave,
Thank You.
(While I did not mean to side track this forum into religion, comments like James K's cause such things to happen.)
And I can not figure out why a man of your intelligence and your education as continues to disregard facts. Such as:
A. A Christian is NOT defined by how other Christians think they should act any more than an American is defined by the way I think an American should act.
It sickens me to know people like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dalmer, Tim McVeigh, Eric Robert Rudolph, Benedict Arnold, John Kerry, Jane Fonda, John Mureta and Nancy Polosi are fellow Americans, only they are.
And it really makes no difference if I like it or not.
B. And Dave, it makes no difference if you like it or not as a Christian is ANYONE who believes the Bible is the word of their god and Jesus is the son of the Christian god.
They can be smart or stupid, good or evil, they are still Christians.
I am not responsible for what is in the Bible, I did not write the Bible, I only report what any person who knows how to read, can read in it.
C. The "good book", the "guide book" of the Christians tells of how it's "loving" "just" "caring" & all knowing god KILLS and KILL and KILLS some more!
D. How that same book instructs all those who believe in it to KILL, KILL and KILL SOME MORE!
And yet, you Dave, and other Christians just go around acting like those things are NOT in the Bible.
BOTH the New and Old Testaments are parts of the Bible! And in the New Testament, Jesus says EVERYTHING in the Old Testament is true.
And yet many Christians act like THEIR book does not say the things it says.
Nor can I figure out why most religious people deny the main reason MOST people are religious in the first place is because whomever raised them PROGRAMMED them into believing in the same religion they are.
The Catholic Church says:
"Give me a child until the age of six and they are mine forever."
ALL religions program their childern.
(Of course, if this programming was fool proof, there would not be millions of former Christians who are now Atheists.)
Or why religious people will not admit they have NO more proof what they believe is any more valid than is ANY other religious belief?
Each insists theirs is the right & correct one & yet NONE of them as one more shred of evidence it is more true than does any other.
Over 30,000 different gods and thousands of different religious beliefs. None with any proof what so ever and it is IMPOSSIBLE all of them to be true.
(Observing nature and saying it is proof of a god, or gods is totally irrational & illogical!)
Or why Christians do not study the roots of their religion?
Where did it come from?
If they did, they would find:
Nearly every story in the Bible came from another religion.
That the laws and ways of living the Christians seem to think they invented were around long before their religion.
There were NINE Golden Rules written/in use before Christians claimed to author it.
There were FIFTEEN "Crucified Savors BEFORE Jesus. NINE of them were "born of Virgins" nine born around Winter Solstice, Crucified and Resurrected 3 days later
The story of Jesus has 346 exact copies taken from the story of an Indian "Savor" who was crucified in India some 1,250 years before Jesus was supposed to of existed.
And yet, you Christians really believe the story of JC was origional?
If Ignorance was Bliss, most Christians would be in a constent state of climax.
Another amazing thing to me is how so many Christians can deny scientific facts!
Particular when anyone who knows much history knows the Christian religion has been PROVEN WRONG on subject after subject after subject time after time after time!
The world is only 10,000 years old?
Evolution is not a fact?
Denying those 2 FACTS is STUPID!
Highly intelligent and educated people from all around the world who come from all types of religious backgrounds enter science to search for & find out the truth.
Yet, after their years of study and many tons of evidence, many Christians (not all) say these hundreds of thousands of highly intelligent scientists are wrong.
And what proof do these Christians have the scientists are wrong?
They have NO PROOF!
All they have is a book containing bunch of stories put together by a bunch of fairly ignorant (thought the earth was the center of the universe, had no clue the world was not flat and on and on and on) people living in the Middle East over 2,000 years ago.
Yep, that is their "proof" all these scientists are wrong!
Well, it is not really a joke because these backward thinking people are still holding up progress just like they have been for well over a thousand years!
And I am supposed to respect such ignorance?
It just boggles my mind and makes me have NO respect for those who deny facts.
I could go on and on about these types of things, only I shall close with the following.
TODAY, there are still Witch Trials going on in the United States!
And the most recent poll by Newsweek Proves MOST Christians in the United States are BIGOTS!
They are BIGOTS because they will not vote for an Atheist NO MATTER how well qualified the Atheist may be!
That means they would not vote for some of the most respected, famous and successful people in the history of the world!
Because, like it or not, believe it or not, accept it or not, the facts prove Atheists are the LEADERS, or among the leaders, in nearly EVERY field of human endevor!
So sorry Dave, only the things MOST Christians do sicken me!