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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: 33 Dead in Blacksburg, Virginia
4/16/2007 7:08:43 PM


This news reached the UK this afternoon.

I pray for all affected.

It seems the more freedom we give folks the more it's abused.

My heartfelt thoughts are with everybody there.


Nick Sym

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Re: 33 Dead in Blacksburg, Virginia
4/16/2007 9:44:00 PM

Hello Dave,

I also just posted on Terry's forum about this but this is something so devastating it should be heard around the world!


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Beth Schmillen

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Re: 33 Dead in Blacksburg, Virginia
4/16/2007 9:54:30 PM
Hi Dave, It is a sad day ~ I was just over posting at the 24th Woman of Courage Forum with Jennifer Louise Williams an activist for human rights in Zimbabwe... and having read of the students first... it was good to read and comment on such an extraordinary person. One of the news articles I came across referenced the 1966 college murders of 13? students in Texas from the tower... for those of us who remember this... it was so shocking then. It's hard to believe it was so long ago. It's good to be able to share the grief of our nation at the loss of so many here in our forums. Beth
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: 33 Dead in Blacksburg, Virginia
4/17/2007 1:10:51 AM
Hi Dave, While I am dismayed and very sad about all these people being killed, (one is too many) I am also dismayed about parts of yur post. You not only posted incorrect information, you also made some unfounded and illogical comments. The was ONE gunman who had TWO automatic PISTOLS. You made it sound like he had machine guns. The guy who did it was CRAZY! CRAZY PEOPLE DO CRAZY THINGS! The FACTS are you had SEVENTEEN times more chance of being killed by a criminal during the Middle Ages and a NINE times higher chance of being killed during the Victorian age. Guns are used to PREVENT crime over 1.5 MILLION times a year in the U.S.! In MOST cases, not only is the gun NEVER fired, it is not even pointed at the bad guy. Just showing you are armed is sufficient in most cases to stop a crime from taking place. And had some professors and/or students at that college been trained and armed, the odds are very high the gunman would have been stopped long before he killed so many others! The reason people SHOULD have military assault weapons in their homes is simple. In the last 100 years, various governments have KILLED OVER ONE HUNDRED MILLION of their OWN citizens!!! The ONLY way to stop a government, ANY government from running roughshod over it's own citizens is for the citizens to be armed well enough to stop them from doing so. ANYONE who thinks the U.S. government OR YOUR government could not turn into a power hungry dictatorship who bans the private ownership of guns & then murders it's citizens just LIKE NAZI GERMANY DID is a NAIVE FOOL! Neil "A Grumpy Old Agnostic Atheist Son Of A Beach!"
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: 33 Dead in Blacksburg, Virginia
4/17/2007 1:40:00 AM
Hi Dave, And I forgot to say: 1. There are OVER TWENTY THOUSAND GUN LAWS NOW! 2. CRIMINALS AND NUTS DO NOT OBEY LAWS! Passing more laws accomplishing NOTHING! 3. As was proved during probabition , if other wise law bidding people think a law (s) are stupid or wrong, they will NOT obey them. Thus, they become criminals 4. The cities and states with the MOST STRICT, OPPRESSIVE gun laws HAVE THE MOST GUN CRIME! While those cities and states which allow the private ownership of guns and the right to carry a gun has the LEAST gun crime! 5. Many years ago, an IDIOT city (I think it was Morton Grove Il. or Ind.) passed a law saying NO one in their illogical and stupid city could even own a gun. SO, a town in Georgia (It started withe the letter "K") passed a law which said that not only did everyone in town HAVE TO OWN a gun, they HAD TO CARRY IT with them ANY time they were within the city limits! (My kind of town!) Of course, they did NOT enforce this law and was only passed in response to the iditots in Morton Grove. Anywho, the Crime Rate in the GA. town WENT DOWN a few months BEFORE their law was supposed to go into effect AND had REMAINED LOWER than the Crime Rate in their neighboring cities has. I LOVE IT! In Knowledge, Logic and Facts, Neil "A Grumpy Old Agnostic Atheist Son Of A Beach!"
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