
Joe Downing

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 1:33:24 PM
Nope!  I sure couldn't.  :)

I learned a while back to use a straw in restaurants when drinking a icy beverage.  One day, while in my suit sitting in a lunch meeting.  My glass of ice tea was about two swallows from empty and had about half glass of ice.  I had to tilt the glass a bit high to get the tea to come on out.  Before I knew it, I had ice in my coat pocket and tea running down my cheeks.  :)

Hey you know what milk was good for at my Grandma's house?  To hide that liver I never could quite get chewed up to swallow.  When I took my plate and glass to the sink, I could pour it down the garbage disposal and no one was the wiser.  Lord! Ooops!  Forgive me?
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 2:12:51 PM


I have a biscotti-stealing cat.  For some reason both of my cats really go crazy for the smell of anisette biscotti, well one night I had a plate with a few of those next to my chair on the floor, in the dark...and when I reached down they were GONE!  My husband said I probably ate them all without realizing it, I DON'T think so!  The next morning I found several biscottis under my desk with teethmarks in all of them.  I think it was my tiger cat, she's very quick and quiet and bugs me all the time for people food.  I threw them outside for the squirrels, they chowed down, I have the fattest most well fed squirrels on earth.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 2:20:02 PM

Hi Joe,

My oldest stepson always avoided vegetables like the plague.  He came to live with us when he was 7 and I was just 23 and I have never even babysat in my life!  He was very challenging.  Once he spit all his carrots into his milk and thought I didnt notice, then I made him eat an entire can of carrots.  I have mellowed out since then.  Sort of.  We ended up with 4 boys, the youngest one loves okra...I make gumbo a LOT and the other 3 always piled all their okra onto the little one's plate and he would eat it ALL.  They're all big now, and the little one is the smartest, of course!  The oldest one lives in a trailer, what can I say?  Nothing wrong with trailers but eating his carrots could have maybe changed that.

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Joe Downing

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 2:53:21 PM
That is funny!  Speaking of smart :) , you'll like this one.

When my son was about 4, my wife made meat loaf one Saturday.  When it was almost time for dinner, my son asked his mom what was we having.. She said, "Meat loaf".  He suddenly got sick and started belly aching about not liking meat loaf.  She informed him that he had never had any before.  He still didn't like it!  So, when we finally sat down to have dinner, he was coerced to join in for dinner.  He didn't want anything on the table.  I handed my plate over to Natalie and said, "Oh boy, you made yummy pie instead!".  Before she could get my plate back to me, his was sitting there waiting for a serving.

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Terry Gorley

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 5:20:39 PM

I love your stories, guys.  When I need a laugh, I know where to come!

Where's Judy? ... She's missin' out!  Bet she has some good ones. 

I'm off to exercise ... that's another YUK, but a necessary one.

Kathleen if you have a moment pop on over to  "Making A Difference"  and wish Rose a Happy Birthday.  Joe's been there.  Even sang Happy Birthday!



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