
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/24/2007 7:33:47 AM
LOL Leon!

We have a loooong winter, then the Month Of Mud, then Month Of Mosquitoes, then really nice summers, beautiful falls and the loooong winter again.  The roads fall apart because of all the freezing thawing and refreezing such as right now the temp was around 20 during the days for 3 weeks and several water mains broke, now its around 40 during the day, thawing, then around 20 every night refreezing.  So the roads are a nightmare.  One time I was driving for about a mile on a really pot-holey road with a cop car behind me but I had to keep swerving because there were huge holes, I was the only car on the road.  I realized he wasn't interested in my deliberately erratic driving because he was doing the same thing!
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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/28/2007 2:09:40 PM

Things are not what they seem to be. Here is one that really happened to me. My father and I were building house's in the early 50's when I was in high school. we were working one day on a house and I was putting down hard wood floors, it was about 90 degree and no wind and I was wet with sweat from head to toe. We had a painter that was working with us at the time and as long as he was drunk, he could paint pin stripe on any thing, when he was sober, he couldn't hit the wall with paint.

This perticular day, we ran out of work for him to paint and he came into the room that I was working and he begain helping me lay and nail the flooring. He began sweating also and sweat dripped on the flooring and was staining it, we thought it would sand out and finish ok. Boy were we wrong, all the alchol in his system prevented that.  We had the most beautiful spotted floors that appeared like it was pegged. My father was worried about the house selling with that type of flooring

We finished out the house and put it on the market. The very first person that came in and saw the flooring was marveled as to the workman ship and the design of the floor and it was what they were looking for. Pegged hard wood flooring look.

Lesson here, dont judge what is, hope for the right person to come along as did here. If you are looking for a home built on your lot or land. I have access to a revoloutionary type of building, call me or e-mail me and I will send you the information.

Ralph Coppley

WWJD Ralph Coppley Please let me know if you sign up for any of these programs. They are free or less than $50 to sign up and great opportunities. If you have trouble clicking on any link, please copy and paste it int
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/28/2007 3:48:28 PM

Thanks Ralph!!

You never know what people will like or how greatness became great, thru accidents or sweat!!

Myself, I'm a big coffee spiller...because I dunk cookies in my coffee and usually a big piece breaks off, then I forget its at the bottom of my cup and my last gulp usually results in a big splash of cold coffee and cookie slop that ends up on my shirt.   (Then I sing to myself..."If I only had a brain!" from the Wizard of Oz)  Anyway, my theory is...if I can't remove the coffee stain, I should dunk the clothing in coffee so the entire garment will be the same color. I'M RIGHT!!

A friend of mine did the same thing when she was on a cruise and spilled a red drink on her white dress, she ordered more of those drinks and took them back to her cabin and dunked her dress into it so the entire dress was red/pink.  BRILLIANT!

And...Kelly Ripa from "Regis and Kelly" said her little daughter spilled juice on an expensive dress and when Kelly took it to the dry cleaner, he said it would be impossible to get the stain out, he TOLD her to go home and dunk the entire dress into juice.  Ain't it great when us little people already know that?  Ha!

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Joe Downing

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 10:44:48 AM

You dunk cookies in your coffee and let a piece get away?  Kathleen!  :)
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Terry Gorley

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
3/1/2007 1:21:53 PM

I just knew Joe couldn't leave that one alone!

Yikes, Kathleen ... I used to do the same thing ... not in coffee, but milk. 

When I was about 12 I stayed the summer with my Grandparents.  My Grandmother insisted I have a glass of milk with my meals.  YUK!  Never did like the stuff and still don't, so to get through it she would give me chocolate cookies and I dunked and dunked until the milk wasn't white anymore ... went through a lot of cookies!

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