
Leon Horton

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/22/2007 9:47:09 AM
Hi Kathleen,

In 1997 I made a career change and wound up in the Detroit area from Georgia!

I was always hearing people say,  "You're not from around here. Are ya?"  Needless to say, I had a tan and I could be picked out among a group.  Not to mention when I spoke, my accent was a bit different.  I could have said their accent was different also.  I'm back in the South now so it's all better now.

There is only one thing that I can add that I find a bit "wrongish" and I found it surprising that nobody said anything about it so far.  "Do you have an ATM machine?"  Thay's the same thing as saying "Do you have an Automatic Teller Machine machine."  I suppose we will continue to hear it said that way though.

I have a couple of cute sayings that I use.  "It's too big enough." "Those are too little enough."  It makes people look at you funny.  I like that.

I grew up in POP country... Muskogee, Oklahoma.  I was born in Hominy, Okalahoma so does that make me a "True Grit"?

I have enjoyed perusing your thread here and I laughed out loud a couple of times. 



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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/22/2007 12:03:22 PM

Hi Leon,

Thanks for visiting!  There are 2 things that get on my nerves about Michigan-speak, one is...some people tack on the words "at all" on the end of questions.  Especially waitresses, "Would you like some water at all?"  I don't think that's necessary and it sounds weird.

The other thing, people say "Thank you much!"  What's that?  A short version of "Thank you VERY much" or a long version of "Thank you"? 

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/22/2007 3:08:10 PM
Me Again Leon reminded me of something I used to say (and will, most probably, say again) which usually got at least a smile. I love to dance "Rock & Roll" the type of dancing Michael Jackson does. And for a non-professional, I am pretty good at it. Anywho, good dancers love to dance with good dancers. So when I would see a good dancing female, I would go over to them and say something like: "Hi there, want to wiggle?" Or: "Since you are really a great dancer, I was hoping you would wiggle with me." Anywho this approach usually got me a dance. (And when you are older and as ugly as I am, getting ladies to dance is not easy to do.) Oh, just remembered another one. When I'm playing beach volleyball and make an error, I yell "DIRTY WORD!" So one of these two guys who meet each other in Germany tells me this story about their meeting. They meet & get to talking. They find out they are from Ca., and both of them not only play beach volleyball, both had also played at 29th St. in Manhattan Beach. One guy says to the other: "So do you know the guy who plays there and always yells: "Dirty Word'?" --------- Back to things which bother me. Another one is when someone says: "Me personally" Like who else could "me" be? ------------------ Please, Take Care! Neil GET PAID FOR SEARCHING THE NET! If you ever search for something on the net, why not get paid for it? And with this, YOU can earn BOTH Linear and Leveraged Income! ------ "Yep, Lotto Magic IS MAGIC!" The more I know about it, the better I think it is! This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a simple, easy and low time taking, proven 11 year old program which is a better way to earn money than any mlm, click below: --- --- "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/22/2007 3:22:24 PM
Hi Kathleen THANK YOU for your comments and I certainly agree with what you have said. As those who read my various posts know, I am not the greatest at grammer either. I consider myself to kind of be like famous author, Leon Uris who said something to the effect of: "While I can't seem to conjugate or subjucate, I sure can communicate." Thanks again, Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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Robert Phillips

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/22/2007 6:41:22 PM

You See Thing like this on everyones forum I think

People are in a hurry to type and make alot of errors

robert phillips

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