Here are a few things we all say that are sort of wrongish...wrongish? YEP!
PO'd should be P'd O (pissed off) "You are making me really P'd O"
PIN number should be PI number... Can you imagine: "Please enter your PI Number"..."Why? Is there gonna be pie coming outta the ATM?"
Why do we say "Have sex" and "Make love" ? ... does love need to be MADE? Maybe thats backwards. Have love, make sex? Love is something we HAVE in our hearts sometimes whether we want to love the person or not. Actually sex DOES need to be made, get 2 people and stir together, it's like a recipe.
NOW HERE are a few things I say very frequently that sound okay to me, and these words have rubbed off on my family and some of them also say these things sort of wrongish:
"Run overed" I guess that should be "ran over"..."Don't play in the street, you're gonna get run overed!"
Non-see-thru-able ... "I have too many freckles on my legs, do you have any stockings that are nonseethruable?" Then the sales lady says "You want opaque stockings?" THAT'S WHAT I WANT! OPAQUE!!
"Boughten"..."That bread can't be stale already, it was just boughten yesterday!"