
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/21/2007 1:32:53 PM
Hi Kathleen, I am with you and Steve as "taking" a "wiz" or "poop" has always bothered me so I "leave" them. Nor do I "have" sex, rather I "enjoy" or "Share" it. And as it seems I am having a mental block on others which I think are less than logical, I shall close. Neil One of the worlds more than 1.3 Billion Atheists.
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/21/2007 1:47:34 PM


I think the word SODA covers everything bubbly on the east coast, except for beer of course!  Now I've been living in POP land for 20 yrs but my husband and kids say soda just because I say it, that gets on their relatives nerves over here!  haha! 

I do say liberry, you don't like it?  I heard a good joke on TV about that, someone was trying to get a man to say libRary, and so finally the man said it, and then he also said strawbRerry.  LOL!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/21/2007 1:59:00 PM

Hi Neil,

Nothing is logical on this planet!  Our country is so huge it can turn a family reunion into a drunken brawl about how to pronounce Reading Railroad on the monopoly game.  It happened once between my brother and cousin, they weren't drunk, they were young teenagers but it turned into a physical fight.

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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/21/2007 7:59:52 PM
OK, I am back Here are some more which "wiz" me off. 1. VERY FEW, other than governments "MAKE" legal money! All these deals and ads saying MAKE money. What, do you have a printing press & counterfeit plates to print money? GIVE ME A BREAK! People can inherit money, they can steal it, get it by fraud, win it and earn it. Only they do NOT "make" it. Ok, that is off my chest. I had some more and forgot them AGAIN! Oh yea, my "rememberer" just clicked in. 2. NEARLY all people use the word "but" incorrectly as it NEGATES what precedes it. So they say something, stick "but" in & negate what they said before. DUH! 3. And MOST people put the word "that" in were it is either NOT needed at all or where other words would work better. 4. Then people who say "Have a nice day" (and it sounds like an order) have NO clue as a person can NOT control if their day will be nice or not. So YEARS ago, I started saying (and before I heard anyone else do it) either "Take Care" or "Please, Take Care!" because while people can not always control what happens to them, they CAN "take care" to not injure themselves or others and to do other things. OK, I am done for at least a while. Now I have to tell you what Thom just found and sent to me. OH BOY! You want to earn money via the net, right? Well I've found something to blow your socks off. With this, YOU can earn BOTH Linear and Leveraged Income! ------ ------ Nearly every single person on the net uses net search engines. And they usually use google or yahoo or some other well known search engine So these search engines get the advertising dollars while you get ZIP, NADA, ZERO, NOTHING! So, change it do YOU get some of the advertising $$$$! With "Slash My Search" YOU EARN WHEN YOU SEARCH and. YOU EARN WHEN OTHERS SEARCH Now it couldn't be MUCH easier... could it? So come search and earn away! --- ---- Of course, the more others who join us due to your efforts, the MORE money YOU earn! So, JOIN US and then, SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS! Thanks for your time. And may we all, "Live Long and Prosper!" Neil "A Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach!"
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Are You P'd O about your PI Number or those Nonseethruable stockings? Don't get run overed!
2/22/2007 7:45:58 AM

Hi Neil,

1.  Something in peoples' brains makes them avoid the word EARN so they would rather join something that supposedly MAKES money, its an advertising brainwash.

2. Watching the Dr. Phil show is also a lesson about the word BUT, yes it craps on everything before it BUT lots of people are addicted to the word so it looks like it's gonna be around for a long, long time!

3. That or which, most people use THAT when it should be WHICH.  Grammar lessons are falling upon rubber brains, it all bounces right off.  The majority always rules even when they are wrong.  I'm starting to sound like you!

4. When I got out of high school, I worked at K-Mart for a few months and they had a deal where if the cashier forgot to say "Thank you for shopping at K-Mart", the customer would get a free candy bar.  Needless to say, it wasn't really sincere.  The cost of the candy bars didn't come out of our paychecks but it was still tiresome to say it all day.


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