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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 4:02:14 PM
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for getting me here mf, your idea is a great one and hope Bogdan will be able to set it up so it works to produces the results you hope to achieve.

All the best with your effort to keep the POTW going!

~ Pauline ~

Hi Pauline
Long Time No Chat.It's nice to see you.
Thank You we have poked the bee hive with this one haven't we.Just wait till when Bogdan and his webmasters set up the Login to the POTW Forum lol.
I don't think it'll be a big deal for anyone to pass through the POTW Forum on there way to there main adlandpro business stations.
Pauline Great New Profile Picture It's a Keeper.


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Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 9:01:17 PM
Gentlemen absolutely brilliant take a bowwwwww

Enjoy your day

Thank you Kathy!

Thank you Mark and Dennis!

Wow! I made it high up in the optimization google search for Adlandpro Learning Center.

Join the Bweeble Team in AdLandPro

BTW Mark! I am also looking forward to hearing from Admin. but the last update from Bogdan said that Barry was in and out of the hospital. I am sure he will be glad to see all of the input and attention this forum is getting. He might also be open to getting help in running the forum.

Make it a great day,


Hello Ken

Great Job Keep it up Buddy
This is what will happen to the POTW Forum.
in a few months the forum will rank high in Search Engines just by the shear Numbers will help.
The Higher we get the More People will Join The Adlandpro Community.In a year from now if this keeps up The Snowball effect will flood Adlandpro with members.Once Adlandpro shows more profits the community could set up new programs that interest the members.


I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/31/2012 12:07:52 AM
Wow Dennis,
All this sounds so exciting I am really looking forward to the new Implementation
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/31/2012 12:47:29 AM
Hey everyone, this is good news, It is so good to see excitement again. Love your ideas. Hey I will do what I can to help.
Pauline Raina

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/31/2012 4:23:49 AM
Hi Dennis,

Thanks for getting me here mf, your idea is a great one and hope Bogdan will be able to set it up so it works to produces the results you hope to achieve.

All the best with your effort to keep the POTW going!

~ Pauline ~

Hi Pauline
Long Time No Chat.It's nice to see you.
Thank You we have poked the bee hive with this one haven't we.Just wait till when Bogdan and his webmasters set up the Login to the POTW Forum lol.
I don't think it'll be a big deal for anyone to pass through the POTW Forum on there way to there main adlandpro business stations.
Pauline Great New Profile Picture It's a Keeper.


Thanks Dennis :)

Be sure I will be keeping a tab on the progress of this ! I also have to mention when I first came to Adland the potw used to be featured on the main login page, it used to look good and also members kind of got to meet the winner of the week even before they logged in, I know for me personally remember thinking 'hey how cool is that' and went on to find out what got you that title and feature on the main page !!!!!

Just my thoughts !!

~ Pauline ~

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