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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 11:41:52 AM
Was the POTW Team changed a month ago?

I noticed a new icon last month and also the previous week's non-winners of the past month were not removed from the ballot.

Prior to the past few weeks, non-winners would not be on the ballot for consecutive weeks, they would be removed for a week and then be put back on the ballot a week later.

If there is a new person or team, I hope they are unbiased.
Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 12:06:42 PM

OK, Kids, lets try to be a community working together, and not against

each other. First thing I see is the involvement with activity, conversations,

and networking here. There is lot of members that have joined and

no longer log in. The are others that have join and do one thing only.

Post prewritten (copy and paste) ads everywhere with no regards

to who where any why. They could not or now how to have a conversation

about anything even if you ask a question to them. They don't care about

being part of anything and why go after them.

You are here or not, so make the best of it.

This is got to be the most complained about, and discussed about

networking forum on AdlandPro and losing voters all the time.

When you do make a Vote there is just one little thing that was kind of rewarding

was that fact that you where thanked and appreciated for it. I tried to bring in colors

and voting images that would make it a little more colorful instead of

"Voted" or "I Voted"

Then every once in a while you would see someone using them and even Barry

would say cool banners Mark , and thank you for Voting.

Don't get me wrong, I am not that simple that I need recognition for anything

as I use this site manly because there are a few good people here that can have

a conversation, voice their opinions, and have created some cool and interesting forums

that are sometimes funny, educational, and a way to learn a little more with so many

walks of life from different parts of the country, and the World.

Make the Landing page go to the Voting…..

Not sure as for me I leave the landing page anyway to get to why I logged in,

in the first place.

I said this once before and I will say it again. Most of us have a life and some times

very busy with it. So not to try to miss the Voting or the congratulations thread, just

have other important task to work on, keep updates going, and maybe have started a new project. You talk about not get the time of being in the spot light because it just happens too fast.

It is here and gone and there are times when it is over before you know it.

52 voting elections every year is too much anywhere you are at.

Once a month is time to run a campaign, post to other networks, and invite more friends and

connections. When you have thousands or hundreds to your network, post are flying by so fast that it is missed by so many. I have heard you say that people will lose interest in a once a month election. Well, to me that is just a opinion as has it ever tried?

Another thing is how many times have you seen a winner as than see them complain about it?

Maybe a more high lighted voting banner on every page you are at, somewhere that will take you to the voting.

POTM would get more votes, have a higher success rate, and more people that may only

login once a week would probable have time to vote before it is over.

Doing a mail in vote where the Adm. would have to track it, count it and then post it.

I know one thing for sure, this would not be an option for me if I was the owner or Adm.

Did anyone notice the during this Feedback that there was no reply from who ever is running this now?

You know, I just not sure what is the best solution as I try to bring in life when I can,

bring in a little more to the table then just advertising, and it just seems like so much of it

just goes out the door.

I don't give up, i just back off for a while and deal with other points of interest.

What would be a more help would be to think about it, and try to make suggestions, and have an original thought. Agreeing or disagreeing really does nothing when you are looking for suggestions to make it better. Take all of them, run it by the Adm. and take a few options and have vote on it. OH NO, did I just say have another VOTE? What was I thinking…..

Hi Mark

Ty for your feedback in this.I agree with many things you mentioned.
The thing is having the POTW Forum will help us all that vote and Post that you've voted.
The POTW Page ranks Low on the Search Engines If we use the POTW Forum as a Landing Page after Log in it'll sky rocked in the rankings.

Where this will help you once you post that you voted every week and do your Magic with your web designs people from all over the planet will notice your work.
You'll use Adlandpro to help you in anything you are doing and it'll be all free because you are a regular poster in the POTW Forum that is ranking High.
It's all win win for everyone that is voting and posting in the Forum.

Another Thing i agree with you about is to graphic up the Forum.We can give it a great look appealing to a new audience,and members of adlandpro.

I can't say much about any prize to the winner of POTW.If we set it up by login landing page we all get the prize of Views to the Forum where we have our Profile Icons and our link at the end of our postings.

This Horse wants to Run Lets Open the Gate!

All The Best

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 12:16:56 PM
Another point of interest and by the way good to see you Dennis and you efforts.
Yes, I see you all too.

On the left are the main links except the Voting forum.

Everyone knows how to return home as it is already there.

Home page is right on top but what is missing is the Vote Tab

Yes I know it is a little big just an example:

For members that are not already there as when a new election comes

out they have no idea unless they are a member. there can be a high lighted

tab and just maybe you will get the none members getting to the voting.

If AdlandPro is all about Voting, and that I thought was just a fun thing to do,

meet new people and get a little reconnection for being an active member then

change the name of the main Website to AdlandVoting.

AdlandPro was I thought set up for Free Advertising, Group and Forum Designs where if you even now how search engines work could create more traffic to your main point of business, or just sharing. Don't even get me started with all the miss conception of forum names that get no results as they way they are worded.

If you talk optimization then take a look at two direct searches with the title.

Where do you see AdlandPro with a direct search for the forum name compared to a search for the AdlandPro Learning Center? Optimization is more then just creating a Post, Group, Forum, and Thread. and coming up with the names and header text. It may sound cool to you or a crazy tag line, but who, why, and where, will anyone actually put those words into search engines to get to your post?

Below is what I believe we should take a look at. And yes, I do agree that it would get better placements in search engines doing the landing page but, is this what AdlandPro was designed for… Voting?

Now here is another search... see the difference?

Mr. D

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 12:22:58 PM
I have spent too much time with this this morning and did not even get to me main objective to the rebuilding of a new Webpage showing work in my area and that my friends is online billboard advertising. Oh ya, Free to.
Have to get ready for the work day.

enjoy, and can't wait to see my mail boxed filled with all your great ideas and a word from adm.
Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
10/30/2012 12:44:51 PM
Gentlemen absolutely brilliant take a bowwwwww

Enjoy your day
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