Here is a little thought for you this morning.
This posting on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter may be a great idea,
but, Out of the thousands that see it on my end and let alone the networks you
have that you have posted to, I can count on one hand the results from it.
No I take that back, I don't remember even one person that was not already a member
here, that makes voting a habit, came in from other network to vote.
Another point of interest is that this site has paid memberships.
It was built for Free and Paid Advertising with networking.
Networking happens inside a community by the communication
between two or more..
Advertising and Creating Groups, and Forums with catchy subject lines
about making money is not Networking. It is Advertising.
Networking happens inside the forum with communications talking or
sharing ideas about the subject on hand.
Bring up old post that have been already corrected and may have made a mistake
is not Networking, it is just bring up stuff that should have been left alone.
And also there are thousands that do not know what is going on, how to navigate,
and have a easy tab pointing to the Voting Forum. So that is another false statement.
Over 90% of the community is advertising and not networking. There ara very few that
have conversations, share ideas, and build relations.
If there is a focal point then there should like suggested, making it a landing page,
(no problem for me) or Provide a Highly Visible in Your Face Tab to Get to it.
That does not exist and not everyone knows how to get to it.
I was suprised the old stuff that was done in the voting and have made corrections was
put back in front of their face.
This, what we are doing right now, and a few other great forums is Networking,
and 95% of everything else in the Community is not.
Now lets get to the real reason I am here besides responding to other post.
Send out Newsletters by management or by you personally inviting them,
or returning to get involved with something more the just some text.
Make sure you take the time to congratulate the members that have won to make them
feel something. When you vote do it with style and make a statement. The more visual
effects you have the more people will want to see all thats happening.
Here are two, ( see sample designs below) now just ideas that I have put together as a test that everyone can use.
They are formatted as an image and cannot be altered, but I still have the original writing
program that can make any corrections, text added, or rewritten with something that you
may think that it needs. Creating Forums where you can invite all your friend list is an option,
but after it runs and maybe bring in new members to the original and main Forum, get ride of it,
and delete it. After a time you can do it again but delete so there is not so many doing the same thing.
Sending out personal Newsletters may be a better option as so many worthless forums are created and just move down the list and may get read.
OK, so enough for know, and Remember: Make POTW Feedback and make suggestions, not arguments. If you do not agree, than come up with an original idea.