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Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
1/31/2013 10:10:17 PM
Hi Dennis and others...good evening :-)

I firmly believe that with the new members coming in and I am seeing a lot more activity, more interest shown on AdlandPro, that finding people to nominate is not a big issue unlike before and it is all to the thanks of people like Dennis who have worked so hard to come up with a way to make that happen.
I also feel that making the POTW into a POTM is also logical and workable and not an uncommon way to run a contest for many many sites or businesses.

If we can get 4 -5- 6- 7- people in a monthly vote...I will smile a whole bunch!

I think part of the process is up to us who have signed up to be a volunteer to these help them learn about Adlandpro and encourage them to be active.

We can only do so much, but what we do will count.

Did that make sense?

Yes Diane it Makes a whole lot of sense I think we can move forward on this.

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
1/31/2013 10:15:15 PM
Hello Folks,

One of the issues with finding willing nominees. Each nominee needs to be contacted and accept the nomination. Either by the person/s nominating them or the POTW Team. For instance I have started sending those inquiries to the list you provided Dennis. It's good to have you back with us, too.

I think POTM is the way to go as well but will start a poll thread for the community at large today. Seems 5 is the number we are looking for each month as nominees. Will ask for suggestions on this as well in same post.

Thanks for all your suggestions and input.


Contacting the nominees to me is ok.It's a Royal Pain but if needs do be done we will do it.

So my Vote is POTM.5 Nominees a month that is not too far fetched so here we go POTM if we all agree.

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
2/1/2013 12:46:03 PM

Great, it looks like my way of presenting making changes to this forum is now going to take affect. My plan to change to POTM has been ongoing and after looking at this for a while, I new if I presented it in a way that you will see the value in it, I could make a difference, and push this forward. You putting it up for a vote confirmed it.

Now my work starts again. To redesign the landing page for the new 2013 Voting for the Person of the Month. I will get it uploaded soon and you can let me know if any changes need to be made or correction. The project file will be saved on my end and will have all editing options open.

I am assuming all qualifications are the same?

I see that it will be a list of 5 for the new table.

Is there anything that you think you would like to see before the landing page comes in, let me know.

Bogdan will need to make the corrections to the pop up that will be displaying the winner for the month.

I will make the new button for it.

There is something else that should go into affect soon and that is clean up the forum. Too many threads.

Voting Thread.

Congratulation Thread.

Feedback Thread

Nomination Thread.

What else do you need?

Mr. D

840 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
2/5/2013 12:59:14 PM
New Page Design for Person of the Month.

Mr. D

840 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
RE: POTW Feedback
2/5/2013 1:00:37 PM
New Table Suggestion, the colors are just an idea.

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