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9/28/2010 10:56:22 PM



A few weeks ago, whilst visiting a wonderful house in Somerset, England I was drawn to inspect closely the simple but beautiful carving in the oak of a portico surrounding a doorway.

If you looked carefully you could still see the preparation and crude execution of what was to be a wonderful whole. What I loved the most was the fact that you could still see the dot in the centre of a circular feature. The very point where, in the 1500's a craftsman inserted his compass to inscribe the shape.

The significance of this dot resonated with me after seeing your images here in this forum.Without that point the true and beautiful circle could not exsist.


A beautiful crop circle

9/29/2010 12:48:34 AM

When I was very young I remember going with my Daddy to a Masonic meeting. Of course, I had to remain outside and all of it was very secret. What I do remember from seeing some of their symbols was the "All Seeing Eye". This is not a good example but it was all I could find at the time.

I know little if anything of this organization only that several members of my family were members. My Daddy was very dedicated to the group. They do help members with medical problems or at least they used to about like the VA.

It must have some connection to what you are saying.

Just curious,


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9/29/2010 4:13:36 AM

Dear Roger and Sara,

Thank you so much for your fascinating contributions and the stimulating images. To me, one of the most intriguing things in the world is how certain symbols, drawings, words and the like, keep appearing as if by magic in our lives. Naturally, at this time they are coming more and more and very frequently in a synchronous way, as if announcing most important events. If I am sure of anything by now, is that we are about to enter a new phase in which, as promised in the scriptures, we shall know fully.

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." (Corinthians 13:12).

Roger, I have been reading your post at Rajaram's forum and I perfectly understand your difficulty, as I myself was stuck with it for long until relatively recently. That is what symbols and symbolism are mainly for: to help us fully realize abstruse matters that otherwise would defeat us.

Apart from the quote above, there is a famous allegory that can help understand how real our present material world actually is. It is Plato's cave story.
Do you know it? It used to be a favorite for Masons too, Sara, so much so that their initiations always were conducted in a room simulating a cavern.

In the story, there are men, actually prisoners, working in a cave without ever getting to know the "real" world of sunny days and starry nights that the common people enjoy. For all light they have a fire's flames that illumine them while busy at their works, so that what little they can ever see is the shadows that they and their tools project onto the cave's walls. In all this, the surreal nature of their daily activity is augmented by the trembling flames that distort the shadows on the walls and by the ever present smoke surrounding them, which adds to the sinister atmosphere.

But the best part comes here: One day, one of the prisoners breaks free and gets to know the real world. He cannot believe it at first, so marveled is he at what he now can see. Can you imagine this? He is in paradise. The sun, the clouds, the sky and all the sounds, the trees, rivers and, above all, the animals of all sorts and all the other people that he can see but only dares to watch from afar for the time being, just in case! After a while, maybe a few days and nights, I don't remember well, he thinks of all the friends that he has left behind in the cave and makes up his mind to go back and tell them, anticipating how happy they will be at knowing the wonderful world that awaits outside of the cave, if only they too break free from their present situation as he did. But they will not believe him, will not even listen to him. They believe the cave is the only world there is and that an other world as wonderful as the one he is describing to them cannot possibly exist; in fact, they cannot believe there is
anything beyond the walls of their prison, so accustomed are they to their miserable lives down there in the cavern, where all they can see is the shadows that they project on the walls. And so, they accuse him of lying and say they will kill him if he will not leave them alone.

Sounds familiar, does it not? So many prophets, poets and visionaries have been killed for daring to say there is another world, beyond this ugly and miserable world, where all is so much more beautiful and
unbelievably perfect than in this one, despite all its apparent beauty...

There is a lot more that I would like to say about this fascinating subject, but I am a little tired now and I am afraid that you may be getting bored in turn with my detailed disquisitions. I might talk about certain things which, if used as symbols representing the world, could help understand to what an extent this material reality is unreal as compared with the spiritual reality of the heavenly world: for example, a book or a novel where the characters believe they and their circumstances are real, or even a computer program with even greater possibilities of looking real to their characters, actually prisoners in them... why not? In both cases, there is a creator god who is their author, and a simulation of a world.

Love and Hugs,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/10/2010 3:29:11 AM

"As long as we confuse the myriad forms of the Divine lila with reality, without perceiving the unity of Brahman underlying all these forms, we are under the spell of maya... Maya is the illusion of taking these concepts for reality, of confusing the map with the territory."
Dr. Fritjof Capra

The Sacred Science - Part 4

Dear Roger, Sara and Friends,

As you know, an appropriate symbol can be a great support not only for meditation but also in the elucidation of virtually all matters, however abstruse. For example, we already know that the circle below, one of the oldest symbols in human history, can be said to represent the World, and that the dot at its center can be seen as the world's First Principle or God; but it can also be said to represent Paradise in the middle of the Earth.

On the other hand, if you look at the circle from above, the dot at its center can also be figured as the apex of a cone and not only as the center of a circle. In effect, from above, a cone will look like a circle and it now can be said to represent Mount Meru, which according to Hindu scriptures had on its top the so-called Brahma's Paradise at the beginning of the current cycle of Humanity. So Paradise can be said to be situated both inward (if in a circle) or upward (if on a cone).

At the center of Bhu-mandala is a version of Mount Meru as a
inverted cone and at the top of it is the “City of Brahma”, a
representation of the primeval paradise
(by Richard L. Thompson, at

If you now regard the same circle and the cone as also symbols of a person in meditation, the images becomes even clearer. The higher you rise in meditation, the deeper you enter into your innermost being. Here the image of a yogi in meditation comes handy, as it perfectly illustrates both his going upward into his crown chakra, and inward into his own self.

(Click on image to enlarge)

The system of chakras in Hinduism

What is most wonderful with this is it works alike in everything, even in understanding symbols themselves: the higher you rise in knowledge, the deeper you penetrate in their meaning.

For example, Jesus Christ's parables are said to have up to seven levels of meaning according to the listener's wisdom, but unfortunately the most profound of those meanings seem to have been lost in the course of time.

In all this, we must not forget the center is the essential element of anything represented by a circle or a sphere. Without it, the rest of the symbol disappears, as the entire cosmos also would disappear in the absence of its Principle, God.

Let me elaborate now upon the particular cases of circles containing four or more radios, including the most special swástika.

The quartered circle has sufficiently been explained as representing one of the four parts of the day, one of the four seasons of the year, or one of the four ages of mankind or yugas in the traditional sense. Here the center further emphasizes the idea of the Principle's absolute immutability, as it is the only element of the circle that does not rotate.

In the spatial sense, on the other hand, it will usually represent the four directions of space and these are additionally assigned the four material elements and other particular qualities like, for example, the four states of matter, though these other qualities have frequently varied in the course of time according to the different traditions and the epochs in which they were formulated.

With regard to the above circles, we need to introduce more emphatically the notion of movement, since all of them derive from the ancient Hindu chakra, or wheel. The first two are different versions of the wheel known as the Wheel of Life, or the Wheel of Dharma in Buddhism, which also involve cyclic conceptions. As to the swástika, it is, again, a most special case of a wheel, as we will see in what follows.

In Buddhism, the swástika is oriented horizontally.

In effect, the swástika is a universal symbol that has been usually misinterpreted but actually represents the supreme, primordial center located in the North Pole. It was the same with the Hindus and Greeks and with the “Olin” of the Aztecs and an archetypal form which was disseminated all over the world in a virtually identical manner.

Of unpleasant connotation because of Nazism, the swástika actually was an accurate symbol of the Earth Poles in that its four rays represented the four directions of space, and especially in that the four extremities of those rays - more particularly when they were curved - graphically expressed the idea of a revolving motion around the Earth’s axis - again, as seen from above. Is it possible to better interpret the idea of motion, or of its application to the poles?

On the other side of the world, in the lands of the Hopi clans, the swástika represented the path of the migrations of their Hopi clans. “The center of the cross represented Tuwanasavi or the Center of the Universe which lay in what is now the Hopi country in the southwestern part of the US.Tuwanasavi was not the geographic center of North America, but the magnetic or spiritual center formed by the junction of the North-South and the East-West axis along which the Twins sent their vibratory messages and controlled the rotation of the planet.” (See

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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10/16/2010 10:15:44 AM
Dear Friends,

This video is pretty special, sort of an accelerated course on Spiritual Healing, New Age Philosophy and Cosmic Religion, all in one.

And, the music is great.

Just enjoy.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

P.S. I say, this video is a good preparation for what comes in my next post. Just extraordinary.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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