Is the universe only illusion, or is it real? That the universe may be unreal may seem a preposterous proposition for the regular western folk; but unbelievable as it may seem, it has been from old the subject of meditation for religion and metaphysics and is currently admitted at least as topic for debate among progressive scientists and even by simple people like you and me - and we should always be aware of this fact. Not only that, it constitutes a highly esteemed doctrine of esoteric Buddhism (its "Mind and Mind Only" doctrine), and its main tenets were expounded by no less than King Solomon (in Ecclesiastes 1:2). Not that modern scientists have discovered it, right? It is something that always was clear for religion in its highest and deepest expression.
You will remember how I have used in this thread a most ancient and simple symbol, a circle with a dot in its center, to represent the universe. And how it is precisely the dot at its center, which represents the cosmic Principle, or God, the only element of the circle that cannot be dispensed with: in effect, the circumference, the other main element, cannot possibly exist without it.
Of course, it is the same with God and the universe. God, inasmuch as the center of the entire cosmos, is the only key element in it that cannot be dispensed with. And this because not only is He the center of everything, eternally immobile and sustaining the whole universe while everything revolves around Him, but because He gives it life and nourishment and, in fact, all reality by radiating his Holy Spirit on it.
So if in the previously given example it was the blackboard that could not be dispensed with because in the absence of it no drawing or writing could possibly be done, now it is the center that is absolutely necessary here for all to exist.
Now in presenting this symbol, you may remember a commentary I made on the importance of symbolism for the ancients, and how it worked for ancient societies. In symbolism, intuitive knowledge, as directly inspired by God, is all important, unlike reasoned knowledge which is at best fallible. At the same time, a genuine symbol can mean many things, so that the more advanced you are in the knowledge of a symbol, the more profound and higher a meaning it can convey to you.
And so, from realization to realization, you can get to realize that God, who is both our Father and Mother, and who is at the center of the universe, at the same time also lives in our hearts. And how you will have arrived at that supreme metaphysical truth? Quite simply, by knowing that the circle can also represent us as individuals, and therefore that in the center of that circle, one that is actually our own center, is God.
Actually, all these truths have been mentioned from old in all the world's genuine sacred scriptures. In the Bhagavad Gita, for example, it is said that God, the only reality, lives in our hearts; and similarly, Jesus used to say "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." Now the heart has traditionally been considered the center of the human body, and if we remember that both for Buddhists and old Greeks, and in fact for all of the ancient cultures, the heart was the seat of the human mind, it seems we can conclude that the universe is in our mind.
With Love and Blessings,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead.
Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable." (Bhagavad Gita)