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8/29/2010 1:23:19 PM

Miguel, just stopping by to say 'thank you' for all the detailed information and the effort you put into these presentations.

Look forward to reading more.

Best wishes,


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9/12/2010 2:54:21 AM

Dear friends, and most especially dear Sara and Roger,

By now, you will have perceived my love and admiration of ancient religion and its essential role in the building of new civilizations. Among other reasons, because if a human society is to develop into a healthy and vigorous civilization with the potential to endure throughout the centuries, even millennia, without risking extinction, then it will have to mainly focus on the spiritual development of the individual. Which is, precisely, the vital field of action of all genuine religion.

Here is an extraordinary article that wonderfully describes the most essential form of yoga meditation - the age-old, so-called so-ham meditation. Believe me, if there is a spiritual discipline that can form good, healthy, strong individuals who will be able to form a good, healthy and strong civilization, it is this, the simplest yet the most profound yoga practice.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo


As Presented by the Meditation Society of America

Soham (#107)

The Bible tells us that in the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. But in the beginning, there were no words, no languages, or even sounds of humans or animals. So what was the Word that was in the beginning. This has been a great mystery, but like the solution to many mysteries, the answer has been right under our nose all along. And that is Soham.

Soham is referred to as the "Mahamantra", the Greatest Mantra, and is considered along with Om to be the most powerful of all techniques. This was the first meditation technique, both in antiquity and in our own lives. The ancient cavemen, before they had invented language or fire, would sit in their dark caves and have nothing else to focus on but the sound of their breath. Similarly, the first sound we heard when we were in our mothers' womb was the sound of her breath, and this sound has been with us ever since we drew our first breath. It negates the need to rely on any of the words of the languages of the world to use as a mantra. It has brought people to transcendence of worldly limitations from time immemorial and continues to do so. It can be done even while driving, working, and doing other acts of daily life and thereby offers a continuous experience of being in the present. This is a great present, because Reality takes place now, in the present. Soham is a wonder-full meditation technique and I hope will bring you the experience of Knowledge, Consciousness, and Bliss that is your birthright.

In the Bible, when God was asked what his name is, He answered " I Am That I Am'. In Sanskrit, the most ancient of languages, the sound of the inhalation is termed So, and the exhalation is Ham. Combined, the word Soham is translated as "I Am He/That". So, whenever you are doing this technique, you are calling on God. Every breath thus becomes a prayer and adoration.

The Soham Meditation Technique

At the time and in the place where you feel most comfortable, place your body in the position that you have found to be the most beneficial for meditation. Close your eyes. Close your ears by putting your thumbs in them, or by using earplugs. This will intensify the sound of your breath while diminishing the distractions that sight and sound bring. Command your mind to be silent, your emotions to be calm, and your body to stay relaxed. Focus on the sound of your breath coming in. Associate it with the word So. As your breath leaves, listen to the sound and associate it with the word Ham. To pronounce So and Ham correctly, listen to how they sound. As with most pranayama (breathing techniques), Soham is done either in 3 cycles of 12 or 12 cycles of 12. One inhalation and one exhalation are one respiration. 12 respirations are one cycle. For those just starting to use this technique, it is usual to silently say the word So with each inhalation and the word Ham with each exhale. When you are focused consistently, consciously, you will flow into simply listening to the sound of Soham. Soham is by far the easiest meditation. It comes to all living creatures without any effort. And yet it is the deepest possible technique, as it presents the opportunity to meditate on the great mystery of life and the life-giver itself.

No matter how we have acted and reacted, with each breath we are forgiven for our so-called sins and rewarded with another breath, another heartbeat, and another moment of life to cherish. No act of will on our part can give us breath. Literally, we are graced with this gift of life from a power greater than ourselves. A corpse has every bone, every organ, and every bodily system that we have, and yet it doesn't have life or healing energy filling every cell with every breath, as we have. As you merge more and more with Soham, you surrender your reactivity to your thoughts, emotions, and sensory impressions. These are all just heavy earth-bound suffering-causing limitations. The divine energy of Soham is limitless heavenly love and light. Witness, surrender all effort, and fill with this most precious gift of Grace.


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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/12/2010 11:12:59 AM

Dear Friends,
This is an article I wrote especially for Bogdan's new NewAgeU site. I am now bringing it over here for its great relevance to this threat's topic.
I hope you will enjoy it.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

The 'Eye of Horus' and the 'All Seeing Eye'

Is there a person in the world that has not heard about the Eye of Horus, that fascinating Egyptian symbol? Well, only the unlearned have not. And of course, many will identify it with the image of the “All Seeing Eye” atop the thirteen-level pyramid on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, which in addition has been distinctive of the American dollar bill for many years.

The All Seeing Eye on the American dollar bill

Recently, my attention was caught by an article dealing with the arcane meaning of this most ancient, mysterious symbol and its relation with the above-mentioned Great Seal - the one “that will be opened and whose secrets will be spread before the nations in these, the last days.” And not because its alleged meaning was definitive - which, in my opinion, was not - but because there are certain interpretations that make you think whether all you have previously learnt about something is real - and this one seemed to be one of them.

The 'Eye of Horus' in ancient Egypt

The fact is, although the Eye of Horus evokes multiple images it the viewer’s mind, nearly all Egyptologists and experts in symbolism will tell you it mainly represents the Egyptian god Ra, the Sun, in its role as the “All Seeing Eye.” But there is in all this an additional all-important fact, and one to most especially be taken into account by the serious researcher into the New Age conception as it entails a serious risk for the future of humanity: namely, the proven relation between the eye, the Great Seal, and the so-called “New World Order,” the Illuminati’s plan to shortly put into effect their sinister rule over our entire planet.

Official rendering of the reverse of the 'Great Seal'

That the above-mentioned relation has by now been sufficiently proven can be seen in a fascinating article by Terry Melanson here. There is another article not as meticulous but equally interesting here. Finally, I recommend an excellent article about the Illuminati conspiracy in two parts also by Terry Melanson, here.)

Now, why should such an ancient, sacred symbol as the Eye of Horus be used by such a tenebrous organization after so long? We must remember Horus is said to be perhaps the earliest and most important god of ancient Egypt, probably belonging to pre-historic times, and a very likely prefiguration of the biblical Jehovah of Judaism and the omnipotent Father God of Christianity - a likeness stressed by the well-known, similar symbol of an All Seeing Eye inserted on a triangle representing Him.

The 'Eye of God' in Supper at Emmaus (1525) by Jacopo Pontormo

And if the Eye of Horus is as ancient as that, then it must have been known as early as approximately 12,000 years ago, shortly after the biblical Flood inundated the Earth provoking, among other catastrophic effects, the sinking of Atlantis.

In my opinion, this symbol of the Eye of Horus, or more exactly a prefiguration of it, is actually much older: it would belong to a time, some 30,000 years ago, when the original Satya yuga or Golden Age of the present Manvantara, the Hindu measure of time denoting a full cycle of humanity, had ended, and humans were painfully starting on the path of material progress - but, on the other hand, actually descending in their spiritual lore. One of the few things that they kept of this lore was the simple, yet profound symbol of God as the All-Seeing Eye: a circle with a dot in its center, which later on would represent the Sun as yet another image of a Supreme God as the center of the world and the nurturer of all life in it.

The circle-and-dot symbol representing
the world with God at its center

In this way, with the gradual reversal of the import and meaning of this beautiful symbol over the succeeding ages, one of the most appalling consequences of the also gradual deterioration brought about by time would be evidenced in the fact that what essentially was seen as good in the beginning of a full human cycle, would inexorably become evil toward the end of it, and vice versa - something actually experienced nowadays with every aspect of life in our planet.

However, the real in-depth connotations of this most ancient and arcane symbol are quite another story that I hope to touch in a future article.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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9/12/2010 7:05:24 PM

Thank you Louis,

More wonderfully introduced information.

As somebody who taught time-management in the past I am ashamed at my available free-time. Your information deserves more time than I can give it, however, I seriously consider this worth effort and your findings need to be recorded here.


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9/28/2010 3:11:52 AM

Dear Friends,
Is the universe only illusion, or is it real? That the universe may be unreal may seem a preposterous proposition for the regular western folk; but unbelievable as it may seem, it has been from old the subject of meditation for religion and metaphysics and is currently admitted at least as topic for debate among progressive scientists and even by simple people like you and me - and we should always be aware of this fact. Not only that, it constitutes a highly esteemed doctrine of esoteric Buddhism (its "Mind and Mind Only" doctrine), and its main tenets were expounded by no less than King Solomon (in Ecclesiastes 1:2). Not that modern scientists have discovered it, right? It is something that always was clear for religion in its highest and deepest expression.
You will remember how I have used in this thread a most ancient and simple symbol, a circle with a dot in its center, to represent the universe. And how it is precisely the dot at its center, which represents the cosmic Principle, or God, the only element of the circle that cannot be dispensed with: in effect, the circumference, the other main element, cannot possibly exist without it.
Of course, it is the same with God and the universe. God, inasmuch as the center of the entire cosmos, is the only key element in it that cannot be dispensed with. And this because not only is He the center of everything, eternally immobile and sustaining the whole universe while everything revolves around Him, but because He gives it life and nourishment and, in fact, all reality by radiating his Holy Spirit on it.
So if in the previously given example it was the blackboard that could not be dispensed with because in the absence of it no drawing or writing could possibly be done, now it is the center that is absolutely necessary here for all to exist.
Now in presenting this symbol, you may remember a commentary I made on the importance of symbolism for the ancients, and how it worked for ancient societies. In symbolism, intuitive knowledge, as directly inspired by God, is all important, unlike reasoned knowledge which is at best fallible. At the same time, a genuine symbol can mean many things, so that the more advanced you are in the knowledge of a symbol, the more profound and higher a meaning it can convey to you.
And so, from realization to realization, you can get to realize that God, who is both our Father and Mother, and who is at the center of the universe, at the same time also lives in our hearts. And how you will have arrived at that supreme metaphysical truth? Quite simply, by knowing that the circle can also represent us as individuals, and therefore that in the center of that circle, one that is actually our own center, is God.
Actually, all these truths have been mentioned from old in all the world's genuine sacred scriptures. In the Bhagavad Gita, for example, it is said that God, the only reality, lives in our hearts; and similarly, Jesus used to say "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." Now the heart has traditionally been considered the center of the human body, and if we remember that both for Buddhists and old Greeks, and in fact for all of the ancient cultures, the heart was the seat of the human mind, it seems we can conclude that the universe is in our mind.
With Love and Blessings,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead.
Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable." (Bhagavad Gita)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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