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9/23/2017 2:32:39 PM

Can the Individual Attain “Absolute Freedom”?

Enlightenment 332

Is “absolute freedom” attainable?

Sri Yukteswar Giri, guru to Paramahansa Yogananda, once said:

“A master who achieves … final freedom may elect to return to Earth as a prophet….

“Or a freed soul may enter the causal world to aid its beings to shorten their span in the causal body and thus attain the Absolute Freedom.” (1)

Is there such a condition for the individual as “final” or “absolute freedom”? There are twelve dimensions or spheres before … well, the end of human evolution. The causal sphere, that Sri Yukteswar refers to, is the Fifth Dimension.

The “freed soul” would therefore have achieved a higher level than the Fifth to “free” others in the Fifth. But there still are numerous dimensions beyond that.

Nevertheless, absolute freedom itself would, I think, be something only God (as Father or Mother) experiences. If one were to say that (re)mergence with God would be absolute freedom, one would have to acknowledge as well that the individual ceases to exist upon mergence. Therefore who is left to be “absolutely free”?

Speaking of an experience junior to mergence, though the point remains the same, Sri Ramakrishna illustrated the situation with his parable of the “salt doll.”

“Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. (All laugh.)

“It wanted to tell others how deep the water was. But this it could never do, for no sooner did it get into the water than it melted. Now who was there to report the ocean’s depth?” (6)

Of this post-dimensional, post-human world, the master Hilarion said:

“When the final secret of this great lesson is told, in it is opened the mystery of the new way – a path which leads out of all human experience, and which is utterly beyond human perception or imagination.” (7)

I call this post-dimensional world the Transcendental. But we’ll probably find that that’s too blunt a tool to describe it.

If it’s “utterly beyond human perception or imagination,” how are we, while in this density, to discuss it?

It’s inhabited by celestials, which makes sense, but also by sages, which surprises. Here the avatar Sri Ramakrishna describes meeting the seven sages, one of whom later became Swami Vivekananda, in the Transcendental. (8)

The description is fascinating enough to include the whole of it. It demonstrates that beings live in the Transcendental. It isn’t just a void as I’ve considered it for so long.

“Absorbed one day, in samadhi, Ramakrishna had found that his mind was soaring high, going beyond the physical universe of the sun, moon, and stars, and passing into the subtle region of ideas. As it continued to ascend, the forms of gods and goddesses were left behind, and it crossed the luminous barrier separating the phenomenal universe from the Absolute, entering finally the transcendental realm.

“There Ramakrishna saw seven venerable sages absorbed in meditation. These, he thought, must have surpassed even the gods and goddesses in wisdom and holiness, and as he was admiring their unique spirituality he saw a portion of the undifferentiated Absolute become congealed, as it were, and take the form of a Divine Child.

“Clambering upon the lap of one of the sages and gently clasping his neck with His soft arms, the Child whispered something in his ear, and at this magic touch the sage awoke from meditation. He fixed his half-open eyes upon the wondrous Child, who said in great joy: ‘I am going down to Earth. Won’t you come with me?’

“With a benign look the sage expressed assent and returned into deep spiritual ecstasy. Ramakrishna was amazed to observe that a tiny portion of the sage, however, descended to earth, taking the form of light, which struck the house in Calcutta where Narendra’s family lived, and when he saw Narendra for the first time, he at once recognized him as the incarnation of that sage. He also admitted that the Divine Child who brought about the descent of the rishi [or sage] was none other than himself.” (9)

If the celestials and sages felt we could understand what they have to say about the Transcendental, they’d probably communicate on it. But they usually don’t. Sri Ramakrishna is one of the few who does.

I’m often incapable of making heads or tails out of what they say under the best of circumstances. Moreover, I don’t think that level of existence would be communicable in our terms. The greater usually cannot be reduced to the lesser.

Archangel Michael confided to Andrew Eardsley:

“In terms of human comprehension in this moment, we need to feed or allow the opening of the understandings to the human Collective – we’re talking about the broad Collective now – to be in ‘bites’ that they can chew, swallow and integrate.” (10)

So he admits to feeding us information in bite-size chunks.

Sanat Kumara also acknowledged, implicitly, that the masters and celestials have been holding back when he said: “We are at the point where we can have this broader, deeper conversation on the meaning of the journey.” (11)

On another occasion, he was even more candid: “Now I am going to be very forthright in this discussion because you are at a level of maturity, spiritual and emotional, where you can truly engage in the discussion, not the soliloquy, but the discussion.” (12)

That’s not faint praise to say we’ve reached the stage where we can engage in discussion with them.

The Divine Mother confided to us that she will on occasion speak of things beyond our comprehension, for a definite reason:

“There are parts of this, in the infinite and eternal – yes, even in the fulfillment of my Plan, even in what I have termed ‘New Time’ – that you may not fully comprehend.

“Then you may say to me, ‘Well, Mother, why would you even speak of it?’ I speak of it as I speak of many things. I plant the seed, not merely of knowing, but of remembrance within thee.

“As you water it with my clarity and grace, purity and love, it will sprout and it will grow, and you will come to know and understand, and expand in ways that are wondrous to you, to all, to me.” (13)

Our collective understanding is said to be unfolding and, as it does, we’re told more and more about life’s nature and purpose.

Here we are, on a strange journey to an unknown place, rising in ways unfamiliar to us, with no visible guides or available guidebooks. Nonetheless, with each new region entered, the rewards are so great that I can’t imagine anyone grumbling upon their arrival there.


(1) Sri Yukteswar Giri in Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi. Bombay: Jaico, 1975, 421.[Hereafter AY.]

(1) Admittedly I’m reading the words of sages who DID communicate so the sampling is biased.

(2) Muhyideen Ibn Arabi, Kernel of the Kernel. trans. Ismail Hakki Bursevi. Sherborne: Beshara, n.d., 23.

(3) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in Swami Nikhilananda, trans., The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1978; c1942, 178. The knowledge of Brahman or Brahmajnana is seventh-chakra enlightenment and is the state immediately prior to Sahaja Samadhi, a permanent heart opening and the endpoint of our Ascension. [Hereafter GSR.]

(4) Fourth Dimension

(5) Fifth Dimension

(6) Sri Yukteswar Giri in Paramanansa Yogananda, AY, 421.

(7) Paramahansa Ramakrishna in GSR, 102-3.

(8) It may surprise us less to find a sage there if we remember that the Seven Sages were Elohim, rather than humans. On the Elohim, see “Who are the Elohim? – Part 1/3-3/3,” at;; and

(9) Swami Nikhilananda, trans.Vivekananda: The Yogas and Other Works. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1953, 14.

(10) The Master Hilarion, channelling through Mabel Collins, channel. Light on the Path and an Essay on Karma. Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1974, 11-2.

(11) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Andrew Eardsley through Linda Dillon on April 15, 2016.

(12) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara” The Only Litmus Test is Love,” at

(13) “Transcript: Sanat Kumara – We Override Those who Want to Hurt by Anchoring Greater Peace Within – Part 2/2,” February 25, 2015, at

(14) ’“Transcript of the Divine Mother: Density is Unloving Emotion; Love is Lightness of Being,” March 6, 2015, at

Absolute freedom is attained when one leaves his/her flesh body;
while living in one's body it is possible to attain periods of mental peace!

~~♥♥♥ Thanks for post Luis ♥♥♥~~

Jan aka Jaz
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8/4/2018 4:39:09 PM

Great Pyramid of Giza can ‘FOCUS electromagnetic energy’ in SHOCK discovery

THE Great Pyramid of Giza had the ability to concentrate electromagnetic energy through its chambers to create larger pockets of energy at its base, according to startling new research.

great pyramid

Great Pyramid of Giza can ‘FOCUS electromagnetic energy’ in SHOCK discovery (Image: GETTY)

Experts continue to unravel more and more mysteries of the 4,000 year old pyramid and the latest once could help boost renewable energy in the current day.

Scientists from Russia have discovered that Ancient Egypt’s biggest pyramid can focus electric and magnetic energy into its chambers to spark higher levels of energy.

Researchers state if the same effect can occur on a smaller scale, then it could lead to new and more efficient sensors and solar cells.

However, the experts behind the discovery stress that this does not mean that the Ancient Egyptians knew the Great Pyramid of Giza would do this and were unaware of its properties.

A statement from ITMO University, Russia, read: “While Egyptian pyramids are surrounded by many myths and legends, we have little scientifically reliable information about their physical properties.

“As it turns out, sometimes this information proves to be more striking than any fiction.”

The team used a combination of mathematics and physics to make the discovery, but also admitted that due to the lack of knowledge of the internal structure of the Great Pyramid, they did have to make some assumptions.

Dr Andrey Evlyukhin, scientific supervisor and coordinator of the research, said: “Egyptian pyramids have always attracted great attention.

“We as scientists were interested in them as well, so we decided to look at the Great Pyramid as a particle dissipating radio waves resonantly.

“We had to use some assumptions.

“For example, we assumed that there are no unknown cavities inside, and the building material with the properties of an ordinary limestone is evenly distributed in and out of the pyramid.

“With these assumptions made, we obtained interesting results that can find important practical applications.”

The team will now create tiny structures which resemble the Great Pyramid.

Polina Kapitainova, faculty of physics and technology at ITMO University, said: “Choosing a material with suitable electromagnetic properties, we can obtain pyramidal nanoparticles with a promise for practical application in nanosensors and effective solar cells.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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8/6/2018 10:15:27 AM
An ancient lake holds secrets to the Mayan civilization’s mysterious collapse, study finds

The Mayan empire, exceptionally advanced for its time, collapsed in just a few hundred years. (Mark Brenner/University of Florida)

The sediment under a lake in Mexico contains some of the long-sought answers to the mystery of the Mayan demise.

Ancient Mayans, primarily concentrated in what is now the Yucatan Peninsula, were among the most advanced civilizations of their time. Mayans were some of the first to build cities. They used astronomy to advance agricultural production, and they created calendars and used advanced mathematics. But despite all of their progress, the Mayan empire, built over thousands of years, may have crumbled in just a few hundred.

Scientists have several theories about why the collapse happened, including deforestation, overpopulation and extreme drought. New research, published in Science Thursday, focuses on the drought and suggests, for the first time, how extreme it was.

While analyzing sediment under Lake Chichancanab on the Yucatan Peninsula, scientists found a 50 percent decrease in annual precipitation over more than 100 years, from 800 to 1,000 A.D. At times, the study shows, the decrease was as much as 70 percent.

The drought was previously known, but this study is the first to quantify the rainfall, relative humidity and evaporation at that time. It's also the first to combine multiple elemental analyses and modeling to determine the climate record during the Mayan civilization demise.

Matthew Lachniet, a professor of geosciences at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, who was not involved in the study, said the quantification of the drought is important, because it illustrates the power of natural climate variability alone.

“Humans are affecting climate. We’re making it warmer and it’s projected to become drier in Central America,” Lachniet said. “What we could end up with is double-whammy of drought. If you coincide drying from natural causes with drying from human causes, then it amplifies the strength of that drought.”

The new research analyzed sediment cores, something climate scientists commonly do to determine conditions of the past, using the ancient dirt like a geological time capsule. Each layer of sediment buried deep underground contains evidence of rainfall, temperature and even air pollution. Via chemical processes and interactions, the climate conditions are “recorded” in the surface soil at the time and eventually buried. Scientists can bore a deep core of dirt and carefully analyze it layer by layer, year by year, to reconstruct a timeline.

For this study, scientists painstakingly examined the layers of mud and clay in the cores from under Lake Chichancanab. During dry periods, the lake volume would have shrunk, said Nick Evans, a graduate student studying paleoclimatology at Cambridge University and first author of the study. As the water evaporated, lighter particles would have evaporated first, leaving behind heavier elements.

If the drought was intense and long-lasting, gypsum crystals formed and incorporated existing lake water directly into their structure. The “fossil water” inside the crystals allowed Evans and his co-authors to analyze the properties of the lake water during each period.

“It’s as close as you’ll ever get to sampling water in the past,” Evans said.

The chemical composition of the fossil water indicated periods of drought in the Mayan timeline and revealed how long and intense this particular drought was.

Many theories about the drought triggers exist, but there is no smoking gun some 1,000 years later. The drought coincides with the beginning of the Medieval Warm Period, thought to have been caused by a decrease in volcanic ash in the atmosphere and an increase in solar activity. Previous studies have shown that the Mayans’ deforestation may have also contributed. Deforestation tends to decrease the amount of moisture and destabilize the soil. Additional theories for the cause of the drought include changes to the atmospheric circulation and decline in tropical cyclone frequency, Evans said.

Evans and his team hope their research will help archaeologists understand how the ancient drought may have impacted Mayan agriculture at a critical time in their history.

Currently, vast areas of North America, northern Africa, the Middle East, Southwest Asia and most of Australia are in significant drought, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Global Drought Information System. Sociopolitical research suggests that drought may cause war, famine and large human migrations. And many countries affected lack the resources to cope.

“Drought does have the potential to be a driving force for a lot of the issues that can cause civilization stress,” Evans said. He noted, though, that today’s globalized economy and modern technology have the potential to prevent a Mayan-style, world-ending drought. Probably.

(The Washington Post)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
