Hi Alain, Once I saw the pictures of the Inn, I understood why you were a little late getting here. It's gorgeous and it look so very relaxing. Also loved the picture, hope you win the extra night. So glad you dropped by to visit and I appreciate your kind Comments. I wasn't aware that Prudential had District Agents up in Canada. For some reason, I just assumed everyone was an Ordinary Agent up there. I miss the days on the Debit. Now that was what I like to remember about being an Insurance Man. Wrote a lot of Family Plans back in those days, you know 25 on Husband, 10 on the Wife and 5 on each Child. Maybe with a 50,000 Decreasing Term Rider to cover the Mortgage, tacked on. Those were the good old days. Not nearly as much fun these days. I also know what you mean about being in Sales for so long, maybe too long. Read a cute joke about that just the other day... New Policeman
A salesman, tired of his job, gave it up to become a policeman. Several months later, a friend asked him how he liked his new role.
"Well," he replied, "the pay is good and the hours aren't bad, but what I like best is that the customer is always wrong."
Seriously though, I'm so glad to be here among Friends, and I'm very thankful that I'm surrounded by great Friends like you.  Thanks Again & Have A Blessed Week, Phil