Hi Sandra, It so nice of you to visit and I appreciate your kind Comments. Being from the South, I'm sure that both you and your husband know just how good a big pot of Pintos and some warm Cornbread and Butter can be on a cold Winter's day. Yes, my illness was a wake up call, kinda like God saying, slow down and enjoy this wonderful world that I have given you. Also, as with everything that has happened in my life, my time in the Hospital was a Blessing. One of my Nurses decided to go to Washington, DC, with us for the March for Life, and she was Marching right along beside of me. One of my Doctors was also at the March, however this year was his third year to attend. You see, even during times of trouble, God is always giving us a chance to make a difference in someone's life.  Thanks Again & God Bless You My Friend, Phil