Hi Alain,
Yes, I still have fond memories of the good old days on the Debit. You know the good old days, when the kids in the family looked forward to your visit, because you always brought a little something sweet like Suckers or Gum in your pockets for them. Yes, you know the good old days, when you could give the kids a little something sweet without worrying that their parents would sue you for contributing to the kid's Diabetes.
Here's a little more Insurance Humor...
Mr. James Barricks, was a rich old man was dying from a rare disease. On his deathbed, he called for his insurance agent, doctor and preacher:
"I trusted each you my entire life. Now I want to give each of you $30,000 cash in an envelope to put in my grave. I want to take it with me."
Mr. Barricks died and at the funeral, each one placed the envelope on top of the man, then he was laid to rest.
On the way from the funeral, in the limo, the doctor confessed "I must tell you gentlemen, I only put $20,000 on top of Mr. Barricks, I wanted buy this new machine that would enable me to diagnose his rare disease and save others. It's what he would have wanted."
Then the preacher said: "I have to confess, I only put $10,000 on top of Mr. Barricks. We needed that money to help more homeless, and it's what Mr. Barricks would've wanted"
The insurance agent was angry at both the man, and said: "I can't believe both of you, stealing from a dead man. I wrote Mr. Barricks a check for the full $30,000!"
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Of course, what would a meeting of Insurance Agents be like without a few Lawyer jokes...
A drunk wanders into the lounge of a hotel where an Legal Convention is being held, intent on causing trouble. He yells, "I think all Lawyers are crooks, and if anyone doesn't like it, come up and do something about it."
Immediately, a man runs up to the drunk and says, "You take that back!"
The drunk snears and replies, "Why, are you an Lawyer?"
"No," the man replies, "I'm a crook."
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And then again, we can't forget a joke or two about Doctors
The seven-year old girl told her mom, "A boy in my class asked me to play doctor."
"Oh, dear," the mother nervously sighed. "What happened, honey?"
"Nothing, he made me wait 45 minutes and then double-billed the insurance company."
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Finally, a few one-liners
Insurance agents never retire, they just expire.
Insurance agents are premium lovers.
Insurance agents do it with third parties
What's the best thing about turning 65? No more calls from insurance agents
Life insurance agent to would-be client: "Don't let me frighten you into a hasty decision. Sleep on it tonight. If you wake in the morning, give me a call then and let me know."
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You know what they say, "Always leave 'em with a smile". Seriously though, your new Career sounds great. Wish you all the success you can handle.

Have A Terrific Wekend My Friend,