Hi Len, My Bizzy Blogz Friend. So glad to see you back here at ALP. I really like the BBC, Thomas is doing a great job, but Adland will always be my Home. This is where most of my Friends are and this is where I started online. Matter of fact, you and I have been Friends almost since my first days at Adland back in 2005. I hope you know how much I've appreciated your Friendship over the years, all of your kind words and the friendly support just when it was needed the most. Yes, my Friend, we have many things in common. Us older folks are a dying breed, and we owe it to the younger generation to stay in good health and stay around at least a little longer just to bug them. I'm gonna do my dead level best to stay healthy and cantankerous as ever. How about you?  Thanks Again & God Bless My Friend, Phil