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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/9/2005 3:39:22 AM
Howdy Winston, I really liked the way you cut straight through to the crux of the matter. I was actually surprised that nobody acknowledged your perspicacity much sooner. What followed your comment was indeed interesting but, in view of your revelation, largely irrelevant. Yes, I had been aware of JVA's passing. The failure rate in Amway is alarming. I expect it to be much the same in most MLM's. Just as a point of interest do a Google search on Amway. You will be amazed at what you will find. There is a site (I forget where) that lists all the defunct Crown Ambassadors, Triple Diamonds, Double Diamonds, Executive Diamonds, Diamonds, Emeralds etc. You could literally go through the much vaunted "Profiles of Success" book and tear most of the pages out because those people are no longer there - they're all gone! A link from that site also lists the numerous marriage break ups at these high pin levels. Let me tell you - there has been a lot of "crosslining" (you need to know what the term means) going on there. It makes for disastrous reading on what happens "off the stage" and out of the glare of the spotlights. Behind the scenes it is a very sad story. Let me say that what is orated from the stage is NOT what is practiced off the stage. There is a lot of contradiction and a real "do as I say, not as I do" mentality. And I haven't even touched on all the secret commissions that Mr and Mrs and Miss 2%-21% have absolutely no knowledge of. These commissions are snidely referred to as "the breaks." It is abhorrent. Heh... we started discussing the "Paypal Randomizer" and ended up talking "Amspeak." It just proves a couple of things to me: 1 - There's no such thing as easy money - work has to be done somewhere, by somebody 2 - All these schemes have flaws somewhere - you just have to investigate a bit further than your nose. OK Linda, what's the next investigation? Let's get into it. LOL! Gary Simpson
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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/9/2005 7:45:41 AM
Gary, One last remark, then I'll shut up. Well, two last remarks, the first being that when I said 'shoot me down', I was speaking tongue in cheek. I'm strong enough to take criticism and still speak my mind. What I got on to say here is, I was right with you in your last post until you said -------------------------------------------2 - All these schemes have flaws somewhere - you just have to investigate a bit further than your nose. ----------------------------------------------- One of the companies I promote (you can investigate my sig if you're curious) uses the MLM model for many more reasons than the dream of huge commissions. It's the only company I know of that gives people true help in reaching their financial goals just by using the service whether or not they sell it. The only flaw would be the individual choosing not to use it, and in fact that has happened. I've never met anyone I could motivate to do something positive about his or her situation. Each one is responsible for his or her own motivation, pure and simple. I guess that would be the flaw in anything, darn it, you have to work to accomplish something. As for Paypal Randomizer, that was never MLM, so we're off topic anyway. Linda, great conversation-starter. What's next? Cheri PS, Gary...perspicacity? I'm impressed! I LOVE words, especially those you don't hear or read often. My hat's off to you for not 'dumbing down' your posts.
Flag of Winston Scoville

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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/9/2005 10:12:47 AM
Yes Linda! What is the next topic you have in store for us? Maybe you should change the heading of the thread to "Myth Busters! :-)
Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/9/2005 10:22:47 AM
Myth Busters is a popular topic. Easy to find targets. Easy for this group to find why things will not work. I challenge us to find what will work for everyone! If there was no need, there would be no one out there search, being caught by the schemes. The real difference between a successful program and a scheme is its success. Our own country was considered a scheme by King George :-)
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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/9/2005 12:20:51 PM
David my friend, the sad thing is that some people are negative, and maybe have no success, therefor also negative forums :-) We who works NM need motivators, insprators and positive forums - or what? Best regards from Arild

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