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Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/10/2005 1:09:16 AM
Hi Bob, I'll stop it if you think it is too "highbrow." I do it to avoid being prolix. Darn! Did it again! LOL. Gary Simpson
Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/10/2005 8:31:18 AM
Great idea Bob, pro·lix (prō-lĭks', prō'lĭks') adj. 1. Tediously prolonged; wordy: editing a prolix manuscript. 2. Tending to speak or write at excessive length. See synonyms at wordy. [Middle English, from Old French prolixe, from Latin prōlixus, poured forth, extended.] From A great resource. Install the utility and ALT click any word for its meaning or to check spelling.
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
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Gary Simpson

557 Posts
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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/10/2005 8:41:08 AM
Hey guys! Maybe we should have a WORD forum! Only kidding...heh...heh... Gary Simpson
Cheri Merz

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Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/10/2005 10:30:25 PM
Gary, I think a word forum is a great idea. I belong to a Toastmasters group where (as in most TM groups as far as I know) we are given a new word to learn and use each week. The sad part is that even after being given the definition at least twice, along with pronunciation and use in a sentence, most of the people who use the new word don't use it appropriately. There are so many delicious words that never get pulled out of the closet and dusted off for use. Now we really ARE off topic, but if you, Bob or David don't want to do a word forum, I will. I think it would be great fun. Hope you'll all participate. Cheri
Re: My Conclusion on Paypal Randomizer
11/10/2005 10:42:28 PM
Hi Cheri, I do not want to start a word forum. I do not feel it fits into my market. I would be glad to join one though :-)
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
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