Lots of companies say that they are all sorts of things. The "net" is the greatest medium to make all kinds of claims and assertions. As I've said elsewhere, it is the perfect place to commit a crime. No need for a balaclava. No need for a shotgun. Just a few clicks on the keyboard will do it.
Yup - very true. There's intentional liars and un-intentional liars.
We see the latter right here at Adland all the time. You know... you get the welcome message or the forum invitation and they're saying "SIGN UP NOW. GET IN WHILE THE MONEY IS GOOD. PAYING $$$$$ DAILY" and all that crap.
So you message the person and say "How much have YOU personally made?
And they reply; "Well, none yet, but...."
They didn't "mean to" lie and deceive anyone. That's one of the pitches they see everyone else using.. or it was given to them... or it's what they responded to... or, or, or.
Then there's the folks that couldn't sell their way out of a wet paper bag, but they can sure recruit. Pity no one they're recruiting knows how to sell either.
Then there's the folks selling "how to make money" programs - except they don't know how to sell anything BUT how to make money programs... which is NOTHING like selling coffee or clothing or services.
I figure I've seen enough of ALL that trash to last a lifetime. I logged onto the Internet for the first time in 1995. I've worked 10-12 hours a day most of that time. It's a lot of hours - in which I've seen a lot.
That's why I'm here raking up muck and making people THINK. Because once we can get them looking HARD at what they're doing - then we can get them on the right track.
Unless, of course, they're addicted to hype... in which case I can't help until they kick the addiction and decide to try something that actually works.
Even in saying that, I have to say that the crowd we have here is probably some of the cream of the crop at Adland.
Which just goes to show that when you have intelligent and stimulating conversation - intelligent and stimulating people tend to show up. So if you know any more like you (anyone that's reading) - send them over, too.
*whew* Okay... shutting up. (just for now)
: )