Actually, I DID take on the duties of the POTW as were offered to me by Bogdan, not by you or anyone else. The photo contest was not part of that offer. I was originally considered for POTW (Person of the Week) partner in February 2007, before the photo contest was created by the person who did get the partnership then, Pauline Raina. So if I had been named partner 2 years ago, there may not have even been a photo contest created.
Your team quit, also the original person who created the Photo Contest was no longer interested in running it.
If you quit a job, you don't get the option to go back and tell the new employee how to do that job. You've been trying to tell me how to do my job, now you're being escorted out of the building.
This photo contest was discontinued in January by Bogdan, before I became part of the Awards Team. It has nothing to do with me, it never did.
As for votership, your 3 person team and 5 entrants per week could have brought in more than 35 votes, considering all of you added up to 8 votes, so then there were only 27 more votes on a dot-clicking ballot, and not all of them posted, so that's debatable if there really were that many verifiable voters.
I'm GLAD to have the number of people in the write-in POTW, most of them are brought in by ME, it doesn't take 3 people or 8 people to bring in a group who makes an EFFORT to write-in nominations, all of them post, we know who they all are, all valid members.
Now you're banned.