Jim, even though you and I are not on friendly terms, I think you didn't want to quit the Awards Team. If that's the case, you should have said so at the time and maintained your position on it.
I did ask JoAnne by personal message in January if she was interested in being my partner on the Awards Team, she did not reply. I asked her first and she was my first choice before I asked anyone else, and several days passed and I didn't get a reply from her.
So it could have still been Jim and another person of his choosing on the Awards Team.
Or it could have been Kathleen/JoAnne on the Awards Team.
If someone wants something, they should speak up and say they want it.
I did that. I sent Bogdan a one-year plan for a write-in election of the Person of the Week and he read it for 2 days before accepting it.
I wrote that plan 2 years ago after the 2007 POTY, and was told that it was too difficult and would not be met with welcome.
I believe the people here are very capable of accepting and embracing new ideas, obviously they are! The write-in plan has been welcomed by a lot more people than expected. It takes time to become accustomed to it but once people get the hang of it, they know how it's done and it becomes easier, very easy.
I think the photo contest should be run by someone who has a passion for photography. I do not have a passion for photography. I wouldn't be able to put my heart and soul into it the way it deserves to be run.
I am putting my heart and soul into a quality Person of the Week election.
Even if people don't like me or Thomas personally, they can still honor their friends by making nominations. In the past, I'm sure there were voters who may not have liked people on the Awards Teams, but they still voted.
My original plan was to only allow nominations of people who had not won before, but Bogdan wanted to allow people who HAVE won before, it's been a long time between first and second wins for people anyway. If people want to see different members nominated and win, lots of you need to go make nominations of different people. Different people need to be more active, be noticed, socialize, and let their friends know they WANT to be nominated. Just saying you'd like to see different people is not going to bring about results, you need to go nominate different people on a regular basis.