Hello Jim,
This seems to be a great 'to-do', in the life and times of Adlandpro.. I am very surprised and yet also very amused that you have been banned from the photo forum by Kathleen 'just because she can' yet comes over to your forum and posts in here! *lol* I kinda see that as double standards or would you call it taking over!!!!??
Jim, I for one do not find you offensive, nor do I find you abrasive - honest, yes!! forthright, yes! Call a spade a spade, yes, (I like that at least I know where I stand instead of 'pussy foot' around the subject) Disrespectful, No! Rude, No!
What the heck is wrong with Jim's honesty folks? Aren't we all adults? Do most the members have to be handled with 'kid gloves' that you cannot accept honesty? and a debation discussion that opposes your views - that is what a discussion is all about, there will always be people who do not accept the same views as oneself, yet I often see members get all 'bent out of shape' and get all offended! pahooy!! Get over it!!
I have read many members throw stones at, and on Jim yet I have not read where Jim has thrown the first stone. He has definitely stood up for himself and responded to all comments and posts directed to him or about him when he has been writing in a members forum. - Well, I have read where many of you have and also gone from forum to forum telling your 'tales of woe' to everyone whom will listen, then next thing we know, another outburst starts up in someone's forum and 'here we go again'
I am so discouraged and disgusted the amount of times that I am away from Adlandpro for a few days and I start seeing the negative pop ups about 'so and so' did this and some else did that..This community is just a 'hot bed of gossip, tittle tattling juveniles calling themselves adults and what's more disconcerting many of these also call themselves 'Christians'! These actions are not CHRISTIAN at all!