Hello Peter,
I do not get my dander up very often in forums, but enough is enough of all this back biting. You start seeing where these kinds of heated arguments splits people into groups. I do not like to see clique groups. There is enough of that off the internet whereby people judge you for the people you talk to because that person is not on their 'social friend list' or they do not like the way you dress, wear your hair or some such nonsense.
I see this kind of stereotype on HGTV (house and garden TV) which I use to really like but have got tired of the way house hunters are being so picky because the floors are not 'hardwood' or the counters are not granite, there is not 4 bathrooms the bedrooms are too small (when I think they are plenty big enough) This kind of TV stereo typing is in my opinion encouraging people to 'keep up with the Jones' and you are not acceptable unless you have all these mod cons. Such superficiality, there is more in life than this kind of thinking.
I just believe we need to get away from the cliques and focus on our individualities, that each person is special in their own right and we need to stop getting affronted over trivial matters.
We did a discussion and forgiveness on these banning and blockings and I thought we had cleared the air yet not two months have gone by and it all starts up again.
I realize there are going to be members who will not like what I have written and I will probably loose friends over my honest and forthrightness. They are probably not any friend of mine anyway and invited me to send me their biz op and not desire to get to know me as a person..There loss.
I feel someone has to step up and say Enough is Enough. Aren't we are here to socialize and do business? Not fight!