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Peter Fogel

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Re: A Nice How do you Do! What do You Think?!
3/6/2009 12:14:32 AM

Hi Amanda,

All I can say is BRAVO!!!!! Well said.

I just deleted the majority of this post cos as you said some of the feel good crowd will just go and look for sympathy again. Why give them their masochistic pleasures? :)

Once again BRAVO!



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: A Nice How do you Do! What do You Think?!
3/6/2009 1:02:18 AM
Hello Peter,

I do not get my dander up very often in forums, but enough
is enough of all this back biting.  You start seeing where these
kinds of heated arguments splits people into groups.  I do
not like to see clique groups.  There is enough of that off the
internet whereby people judge you for the people you talk to
because that person is not on their 'social friend list' or they
do not like the way you dress, wear your hair or some such nonsense.

I see this kind of stereotype on HGTV (house and garden TV)
which I use to really like but have got tired of the way house
hunters are being so picky because the floors are not 'hardwood' or the counters are not granite, there is not 4 bathrooms the bedrooms are too small (when I think they
are plenty big enough) This kind of TV stereo typing is in my opinion encouraging people to 'keep up with the Jones' and you are not acceptable unless you have all these mod cons.
Such superficiality, there is more in life than this kind of thinking.

I just believe we need to get away from the cliques and
focus on our individualities, that each person is special in their own right and we need to stop getting affronted over trivial matters. 

We did a discussion and forgiveness on these banning and blockings and I thought we had cleared the air yet not two months have gone by and it all starts up again.

I realize there are going to be members who will not like what
I have written and I will probably loose friends over my honest and forthrightness. They are probably not any friend of mine anyway and invited me to send me their biz op and not desire to get to know me as a person..There loss.

I feel someone has to step up and say Enough is Enough.  Aren't we are here to socialize and do business?  Not fight!

Peter Fogel

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Re: A Nice How do you Do! What do You Think?!
3/6/2009 3:32:33 AM

Hi Amanda,

I appreciate where you're coming form and exactly what you mean.

What I find more discouraging then anything else is the fact that you are not able to discuss anything in this community anymore. If you disagree you are called everything under the sun. I've always enjoyed a good discussion even if it gets a bit heated at times. My best friend and I (off line) have them all the time and it's never affected our friendship of well over 30 years but made for damn good discussions.

Here it's considered an attack and worse. So be it. I've decided to participate in forums where expressing an opinion even if it differs from the rest is accepted and enjoyed. I can't and won't waste my time with the those that take offense if you disagree with them. That's kindergarten behavior and really doesn't suit me anymore.

What really surprised me in the latest joke is Jim's being banned from a forum by Kathleen who according to her own words isn't the forum owner/administrator and she did it just cos she can.

The second thing is that she thinks that since we "Quit" (and that doesn't really describe what happened since we resigned for mistakes that were made and paid the penalty for it) lost all rights to express opinions. What nonsense unless she is adopting the new silence the opposition doctrine that is becoming prevalent in the USA and other parts of the world. Now in a sense this surprises me since Kathleen is a friend and I mean that sincerely and I know she is a great believer in freedom of speech and all that is connected to the constitution. So why should this be any different. We will continue to express our opinions but in places that are open to true discussions. The Photo contest thread is still no mans land since there is no one yet that accepts ownership and a non owner will not silence anyone just cos she can.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Geketa Holman

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Re: A Nice How do you Do! What do You Think?!
3/6/2009 7:32:25 AM
You know I actually thought we were adults here .. Amanda and Peter .. Joanne BRAVO .. .
Jim .. it looks like you are on the sh!t list again .. I can't believe that some  adults are so childish they can't have an intelligent discussion with out taking offense .. Banning someone for having an opinion or just because they can is just being a brat. I think its time  some people grew up and started acting their ages and not their IQ's ....

Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Re: A Nice How do you Do! What do You Think?!
3/6/2009 8:17:18 AM
Oh WOW Amanda. You've expressed so eloquently
what so many of us were thinking but were unable
to express. My hat is off to you dear friend. To your
comment "This community is just a 'hot bed of gossip,
tittle tattling juveniles calling themselves adults and
what's more disconcerting many of these also call
themselves 'Christians'! These actions are not
CHRISTIAN at all!" I say AMEN!!

Will things ever change here? I really doubt it because
it seems to be the same ones doing it over and over
and I don't think that anything that anyone says will
make a difference because I don't believe this type of
person will ever change. They are not happy if they're
not causing grief and confusion. That's just who they
I, too, have seen Jim attacked for no apparent reason
and if memory serves me correctly, a whole forum was
dedicated to just that not long ago.
To Jim, you have my total support.
Everyone have a great day.

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