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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/21/2009 11:17:24 PM

Oh Yes, John and JoAnne,  we have to watch out for these 'shy
and retiring'  types of people! ...they have a wicked sense of
humour!!!  *lol*

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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/22/2009 7:10:55 AM
Hi Folks,

Amanda, I have no idea why we use pounds here in the US. I guess it is a habit. We buy the licenses for trucks in tons and they sell trucks in tons. ie. 3/4 ton, 1 ton, 2 ton etc. Somethings we do here in the US makes no sense.  We drive on parkways and park on driveways, brush our teeth with a tooth brush and sell hot dogs in packs of 8 and the buns in packs of 10. What's up with that anyway ?

JoAnne , you shy ? lol Now that is way too funny .. :)

John, (ROFL) poor Priscilla



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/22/2009 4:25:32 PM

Thank you, Amanda!
Flag of John Leal

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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/22/2009 4:38:06 PM
Hi JoAnne

Sunny greetings from the Sunshine Coast of Oz!

If you're shy and timid, I'm a Dutchman.

P.S. You can call me Hans! lol.

Flag of Kim Stilwell

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Re: Shy And Retiring Types Have Their Day!
1/27/2009 11:38:10 AM

Hi John,  Interersting subject here!   I was reading on this actually not too long ago, somewhere I took a personality test which concluded me as an Introvert.  alot of people would not believe that of me, because I do love people and can talk it up in a crowd and meet a million people at the sore etc.  A distinction was made regarding "shyness' indicating an introvert, and some in the forum here have also mentioned that.  There was one thing I read that still clicks with me.............

Extroverts are energized by interraction with alot of people and Introverts are more drained by alot of people, but they are energized by being with themselves.  Or...they look interiorally for their source while Extroverts look exteriorally. 

I see people who can spend hours with people around and still function in life!  ha ha!  Some of these people do appear as the sweet, quiet ones who "are not" the big life of the party also!  At the same time they are found with people/friends around them; they seek out people do be with and do things with etc.  They love having the whole family visit and can actually survive it for days, and with pleasure!  It's life to them.

Introverts need to Retreat and get a Big Break to recoop after Christmas or any big event; they need to recoop over a whole lot of things that took time away from their personal serenity.  They get their charge in life from their own interior!  They may love people but they need time alone to re-generate, and Yes, as some have said...I also...Love Most....One on One!

Naturally we all have shades of both, so that some are more so this way or that.  I realte to you John and others who've been accused of not caring because you didn't participate.  I can do it and Love it...and have a grand time....but boy will I then be happy to be "all" alone for awhile!  And I do really relate to this....that I get my life source it seems from my own solitary time with just me and my many thoughts!

                                                   Interesting Forum John,  Kim


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