Hi Kathy,
You must like fishing,, because this seems little big can of worms you got open here.
Please correct me if my memory serves me wrong, but isn't it in the original membership agreement using profanity, porno, hate, verbal attacks, illegal something or another, etc., (not necessarily these words or in this order, but you should get my meaning) is prohibited and you could be banned?
If not then maybe there should be. Could also be a small warning on the template frame on the write post page, right above the input box about respecting others rights, flaming, verbal attacks, etc.
Also make it a rule that forum owners must check their forums at least once per day.
I don't know about anyone else, and I don't see why it would be different, when I do a public / unmoderated forum and go back to view the forum I have a choice under every post, reply or delete. So there are no control changes need to be made. It's not a complicated problem.
What happened to Hilda is heart sickening, but Kathy we are an open community simply speaking from mathematical point, the odds are we are going to get a couple of unsavory morons. It doesn't matter what system you have in place it is going to happen once in a while. Anyway whom ever the uncouth person is they should be banned from ALP if they cannot furnish an acceptable reason for their actions.
Kathy, say there were moderators it is not like they could have stopped it from happening. Unless you are talking every post made has to be moderator approved? Which I think would be way overboard.
For Hilda leaving ALP well that is her choice. Hilda received a lot of support from this community, she could have contact anyone on her friends list and we would have helped. If she goes down the street tomorrow and somebody tells her the same kind of thing, is she going to not go out any more? If Hilda is the strong woman I think she is, she will realize this and return. There will always be potholes in the road of life, the trick is to just learn to go around them.
He who anger you, controls you while,
He who conquers his anger, conquers his greatest enemies
Today, I Will Be More Than I Was Yesterday,
And even more than that Tomorrow!