
Who is Drbob Siegman?

Drbob Siegman

Drbob Siegman
BirthdayMonday, March 21, 1955
Member SinceFriday, April 12, 2002
Last ActivityFriday, April 7, 2006
LocationMarana, Arizona, United States United States
About Me
About Me
All about Dr. Bob 

Today, I Will Be More Than I Was Yesterday,
And even more than that Tomorrow!
~DrBob Siegman 2005

To truely get to know me takes correspondence and relationship building as I am as complex as a Fine Diamond. Meaning there are dozens of smaller facets that make the whole of me.
While I am waiting on your communications and questions I have place several facts about me to help you to be able to start getting to know me.
First some online background
Online approx 5 years, started part time, just surfing around and doing minor affiliate promoting. My first venture was (People Empowering People - Internet Marketing Group) which also host the original, Charity Traffic Auto Surfing Exchange. Which I sold after my first heart attack. I backed off the Internet for a bit recouperating, then ventured into the realm of online network marketing (MLM's), unfortunately received very poor training leading to a horrible experience in that field. But still knew the potential was there and that the Internet was the key to success for me. I then spent the next several years studing, reading surfing, reading and studing some more, aquiring more knowledge of HOW Internet marketing worked. I  pushed affiliate products, built webpages, tackled search engines, tried several turnkey type promotions, etc, simply gaining experience. It wasn't till I become involved in a program by the name of Mentoring for Free, that things started to fall together in place for my rise to success. More about MFF later.
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My full name is Robert S. Siegman, born in NYC, NY where I spent my adolescence and young teen years. Left home at an early age (mid teens) to "Find Myself" ( and I am still looking,lol). Spent the time till I was 18 traveling the US (To date, I have been in every one of the continental states) at 18 I enlist in the US Army. Where I served for 4 years  training in US Army Intelligence with a secondary occupation in Aerial Surveillance and Reconiscence, touring all over Europe and part Asia . During this time I also married my first wife who was also military and was married to her 13 years.
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We had 4 fantastic children together, (Linnaya, David, Amy and Kimberlee)  2 of whom (Lynn & David) I raised as a single parent for a number of years, I am also close to my other two children. I also have two more children that I claim and love as my own, though technically they are my step children with my current life partner of 11 years, a wonderful woman named Terry. I also have 5, oops 6 (the youngest born just last week) grand children all of whom think they're G-Poppa is the Bomb (as my g-son Christopher says)
Now during the years of my life I have a been jack-of-all trades (approx. 175 different occupations, master a couple, and am now on permanent medically disability due to heart and lung disease. I currently live in Southern Arizona recently arrived from Florida (after losing everything to hurricane Charlie), with Terry and our 3 loyal German shepherds, Gunther, Zyla Marie, and Renegade for the core, see it always seems as one of our kids finds a reason to return home for a while and no sooner do they leave then the next comes knocking, lol
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I love all nature and animals, I am especially fond of dogs and horses which speaking of, we have a proud new addition to our homestead, Dream Weaver & Choey . *Update - Mar 2006 -
Dream Weaver and Choey have been placed with good homes and we have now saved two (actually 3) more horses from the Killers Block, I introduce to you,
Emira (16yr old black Arabian mare) and Lady Silveroak (6yr old dapple gray Arabian mare) along with her fold, Phoenix (ain't she perrdy, )
See their Pics Here
I also read a lot, mostly historical novels, fantasy epics, westerns, self help, well just about anything that has print. I enjoy all types of music, good friendship and a great cup of coffee
FYI: I do not hold a medical degree but have earned a doctorate in the field of Metaphysical Sciences and am slowly working on another degree in Paranormal Psychology.
I bet I could make you money, build your mailing
list, send you real traffic and achieve it all
without you having to do one thing.
OK I have rambled enough. Don't grumble, you asked for it, lol

If you'd like to know even more about me, you can contact me at 1-520-682-4694 (Arizona-Mtn Time zone)
To Our Sucess and Growth,
Dr Bob Siegman
Remember to Share your Smile -
For they cost nothing to give away, yet are priceless to receive!

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Paul Falardeau - (12/5/2005 12:44:20 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

Check out the hottest business opportunity on the internet today.
View the informative presentation here:
Bob Needham - (9/17/2005 1:02:30 PM) : What can you say about the Doctor!
He is the definition of wisdom, he personifies the "soul" of AdLand, supportive, creative, caring, honest, witty, and always there. I am proud to have Dr. Bob as a friend. I would love to have the opportunity to sit down with him and have a couple of beers and just shoot the shi, uh, breeze.

Melanie Milletics - (9/1/2005 2:51:45 PM) : Fantastic Guy, and an asset to our community here!
Rusty Yancey - (8/30/2005 9:37:12 PM) : You are an ispiration to us all, Dr. Bob

A big thumbs way up to you!!
Beth Binkley - (8/18/2005 4:58:41 PM) : Hi Dr Bob,

I love reading your posts here at Adland. You stay active with us and have lots of great info to share. Thanks for being my friend.

Best Wishes,

P.S. - like the new picture :-)
Dave Young - (8/9/2005 6:13:03 PM) : Gotta like that new picture Dr Bob. I guess you are a changed man now and you are having a lot of fun. Dr. Bob gives so much to the Adland community and I am very proud to be a friend of Dr. Bob. Well done.

Your friend,

Dave Young
Janice& Gary Hawkins - (7/23/2005 4:18:45 PM) : Very Interesting site Dr. Bob, we rated it a 10 out of 10. Extremely professional and some really motivating information for all to see! We know you will do great in the community, respectfully, your friends in Idaho, Gary and Janice Hawkins
Larry Elliott - (6/19/2005 1:34:40 PM) : Dr. Bob thanks for your encouragment and knowledge you bring to our industry.

Larry Elliott
Lee Talmadge - (6/17/2005 10:58:40 AM) : Hi Dr.Bob
Very interesting website,I would like to know more about please send any info you feel will suite me to . Thank You for your Friendship and support. My Best wishes to your success.
P.S Thank You for your kind words
Eileen H - (6/16/2005 7:57:28 AM) : Dr. Bob has shown a lot of respect in the community. He also has a cute collection of ebooks. Thank You Dr. Bob.


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