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Kathy Hamilton

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8/23/2005 2:52:58 PM
hello my friends, Do we need our Forums moderated to keep peace for extreme cases?/ To keep people from being threatened or verbally abused or Intellectually abused? I recieved an email last night from our good friend Hilda Hoeppner, Someone verbally abused her about her sons death so much that she no longer is here at Adlandpro. she was a very good friend Of John Sanchez and I.We are very saddened by this.So John Sanchez And I would like to know what you think about This Idea? How many other people have left because of the way they get treated by people who are inconsiderate of others?
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Lee Talmadge

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8/23/2005 3:09:10 PM
Kathy, I myself have not encountered such rudeness or any type of abusive behavior here at adland .This is sad to hear ,I hope the ones posting in such a manner are being held accountable ? I’m sure if they were reported they will or have been . Lee
Shelly Hargis

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8/23/2005 3:14:15 PM
Hi Kathy. Although I dont know all of the Details of what Happened, This Upsets me Very Much that someone would Have that kind of Lack of Sympathy to be that Cruel to Hilda after her Loss. There is no excuse for it. I dont know what was said or who was involved, but That is uncalled for. I have said this before in Other Forums, ANYONE who is Verbally abusing or threatening another Member should be Barred from Adlandpro. There is no Place for that here. I did not know Hilda Personally but I know that she was well thought of Here and my Heart aches for her especially that she Left. She should NOT be the one to go. The Abuser should. If it takes a Moderator to Help Prevent this from Happening Further, then so be it. I would agree with that. Your Friend, Shelly Hargis
8/23/2005 3:27:47 PM
Hello Folks! We just wanted to add that the moderators could be identified as moderators so the members would know who to report and incident to. The moderator would have guidelines to follow in determining if the posts or the forum needed to be deleted. We are not suggesting censorship, we are talking about not allowing another member to insult or abuse another member with derogatory remarks. No racisms would be allowed and similar attacks on a person's ethnic background. John and Kathy
8/23/2005 3:37:08 PM
Hi Sister Kathy, First I am sad to see this type of uses of a forum to bash anyone here is wrong. I was on a forum early this morning yes it has been a long day.LOL But the forum owner brought up some good points. I had to agree with him. 1. We are responcable for what is posted in these forums. 2. We are asking poeple to respond that can ads input to support the topic of the forum. Or ad somthing of value to what we are discussing to help everyone here. We all get busy but really when you think about it just stopping by to say HI kathy would not help much to your forums. Or good point. I have been guilty of this my self when it is a really busy day. 3. He also said because of the sig files at the end of our post as the forum owner of this forum you allowing every on that post here a free place to advertise. As I said this was someone elses thoughts but it seem to fit here well. The only downside is some people will get there feeling hurt if you don't approve every word they post. Also for people like you that are running many forums a day it would keep you running to keep up. Ok that is it my$0.02 worth. God Bless Yada

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