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9/16/2005 10:03:37 AM
Hello, Like most here, I am not sure how the comments to Hilda were made, or even where. I do not know if they were posted openly in a Forum or sent in a private message. I hope that if they were made openly, there would have been a barrage of supportive comments on Hilda's behalf, and the offending poster would have received treatment equal to a tarring and feathering. I do not know Hilda nor do I know a lot of you, yet. I am not "new" to AdLands, I am a returning particpant from the early years when AdLands started out. I do not want to make comments on moderating forums. I do however want to make a comment about how we, the members, interact. I posted a thread in one of my own forums and I ask you indulgence as I re-post it here. I would normally not cross post but I feel it is relevent to the topic at hand. Our Bank Account I think we can assume that we all understand what a Bank Account is and how they work. I want to bring this down to most basic of levels and if you bear with me and read on I think you will understand where this is all going. With a bank account, you deposit funds into it, the funds, if you are lucky sit there earning interest, but in todays world that isn't always the case and that isn't even the point of this post. The funds that are in the bank account are used to pay bills, buy food, whatever the owner needs them for. In essence, Deposits & Withdrawals! Now if look at on-line business for a minute and compare it to a bank account. We are all here, for one reason or other, we join different on-line communities, such as Adlands, hoping to make new business contacts, new friends and even perhaps make a sale or two. For the purpose of this post let us consider Adlands to be our joint bank account. If we look at out participation here like it was a bank account we need to ask; What deposits have I made? I see alot of people looking to make withdrawals. Sign up here, join under me, this is a great opportunity. I like to refer to it as, Pimping the Wares. Please excuse me if that offens anyone, that certainly is not my intetnion. You have to make deposits before you can expect to make a withdrawal or our joint bank account is suddenly NSF. You are runnung around bouncing cheques (checks) all over the place. What are you depositing? A deposit in the bank account sits there, earning you not interest, but respect. Respect from the people you are looking to do business with. Respect from the people you are looking to be your withdrawals. So ask yourself, what am I depositing and how often do I make a deposit. If you are looking to make withdrawals and you are not making any deposits, or not enough deposits then you are NSF. You cannot expect to get more than you give. Now before you make a deposit look at it and ask is this really a deposit or am I just Pimping my Wares. I see requests in various forums asking for help and I see a lot of responses such as; Great question, I don't have the answer but if you click on my sig. file and sign up under me that might help. Now those exact words might not be used, but the message is there. Are you really offering help? Is the answer you provide doing anything at all to help a person solve the problem? Do you know what you are advising them on? Then there is also the other side of the coin and we all see it as well. People trying to help, setting up a forum willing to offer advise or help and then people, that have not done the due diligence they should have in the first place, before setting out on the path the have chossen, looking to make a withdrawal. If you cannot swim would you jump into the deep end of the pool? People seem to do that everday on the internet. They get into things that do not understand , and I don't just mean affiliate programs here. People get themselves into all sorts of binds and a lot of it can be avoided just by doing a little research first. So in closing, ask yourself; What deposits am I making and what is the quality of my deposit? When you are looking to make a withdrawal, ask yourslf; Have I deposited enough to warrant this withdrawal or will my account be NSF? I feel the type of person or people that Kathy is refering to in this thread are surely making our account become NSF. So there you have my two cents worth, and even though it is only two cents Canadian, it is still two cents. You might not like or agree with it, and that is your right.
9/16/2005 3:03:08 PM
Hi Kathy, It would be a shame to have to have everything moderated. It would be a lot of work and slow down the system. But I don't think any kind of abuse should be allowed anywhere. Perhaps a complaint department? Set-up a system where if someone gets complaints from 3 different people then they are kicked out of adlandpro. With needing 3 people - it would show that it is legitimate and not just someone trying to blackball another. Best Wishes, Gina
Thank You, Gina My Passion My Income Generator

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