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Paul Davey

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8/23/2005 4:59:28 PM
Hi Kathy This is same post that I wrote to John. So if anyone finds themselves reading this twice I DONT APOLOGIZE. I am so glad that Kathy and you have got together over this issue. I was gob smacked when kathy spoke to me to tell me about Hilda. I have written to Hilda and offered my deepest regrets that she has felt the need to leave Adland. She as many will know has had her fair share of heart ache recently one that I would not wish on my enemies. I do not know who or what was said but I find it dispicable that anyone should slander her tradgedy. Paul Ps I have recieved a very nice letter back from her.
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8/23/2005 6:12:36 PM
Kathy, I personally have not been the victim of the abuse Hilda was subjected to. My heart goes out to her. I don't believe any one should be subject to abuse of any kind. We all have the right to voice our opinions, but let's do so in a respectful, professional manner. If that person or persons did not wish to read any more forum regarding Hilda's son's death, they should have simply removed themselves from her friend's list.
Harold Coram

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8/23/2005 6:16:00 PM
Hi Kathy, I am so sorry to hear that someone would do that to Hilda. But I am not in favor of a "moderator" policeman either. We all can block a particular person if that extreme becomes necessary. Further yet, we can set up an "Ostercised" forum to post these people in plus the posts they made. In that manner everyone would have a chance to "see" that person and their abusive post. I don't think it would take long for that person to get the point. The last resort is, to make our individual forums "moderated" forums themselves. That way the forum moderater could chose to post or not. My two-pence as usual. Harold (The Marathon Man)
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Donna Lira

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8/23/2005 6:17:07 PM
Hi Kathy & John, I hesitate to voice an opinion. But, since we are allowed to VOICE our opinion here I will do so and hopefully will say things in a way that the "Bully Police" don't delete me. :o) I have to say I do not like that title at all. It does not suit you Kathy. It is very pretenous sounding and is a title that is not needed to be posted as such. Do not take what I am saying is blashing, it is not meant to be. :o) My vote is with Gerald and Janice about the Moderators. I do not know the situation with Hilda but my heart goes out to her. Out and out blantant slander and harrassment is not acceptable. However, by having Moderators, leaving it up to the so called "POLICE"'s interpretation which may not necessarily be an "ACCURATE" call and will cause more trouble in "River City". There is a block button that can be used. I will admit that I personally have been deleted from a couple of forums by the generators, but my words, in my opinion was misunderstood. And I had seen others have a very strong and blantant comments worse then mine, and they were not deleted. So, what's the purpose. I have never been told that I was rude, or wise before, that just floored me. I myself was ready to leave Adlandpro myself but am trying to bite my tongue and stick it out because it is a great community despite some of the recent problems. I took the first step, although I didn't I was in the wrong, sent a personal message of apology. All "INTERPRETATION" Crossing my fingers here hoping I haven't over stepped my boundaries. This may just get me kick out of the community. But I will go with the majority. Warm regards, Donna aka Texgirl
8/23/2005 6:35:06 PM
Hi Kathy, there is no excuse for behavior that is anything short of professional.If need be than I suppose moderate the forums however I would take it a step further. those that choose (and it is a choice) to be abusive shoud be made public to the community and removed immediately and permanently from Adland. No matter how long they have been here or who they think they are. the message sent here is zero tolerance. thank you.

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