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Kathy Hamilton

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8/23/2005 4:16:01 PM
Gerald, Hello ,We are not suggesting anything in stone , we are just saying this is not an isolated case, with freedom of speech, people think they can say whatever they want, Someone did something in my forum so I wrote them privately and asked them please do not do that again very nicely, they replyed back to me threatening me,They said if I ever told them what to do again they would come down on me so hard it will make my head spin, now this was from a so called prominate person of our community. So I replyed back saying Im not afraid of him at all.But people who think there something here tries to use there power to intimidate me,Im the new bully patrol person here,Im gonna try to detain the bullies from now on.I will not have my wings bent.But people think they can say what they want, its freedom of speech. kathy martin
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Sarka Ksandrova

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8/23/2005 4:28:34 PM
Yes, we need it. I see in arlando friends for me. But we you say, is posible... Our friends shall stay there and anodher shall help they. Our forum schall stay for a good thinks!
Belinda Hearns

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8/23/2005 4:32:28 PM
Hello Kathy I do understand Hilda Hoeppner,Loss of her son as I lost my husband just 2 weeks ago, I know how she is feeling, as for those cruel people they should be banned from Adland pro, I would love to see Adland pro have Moderators on it,I myself is a very shy & private person and I don't say much, but maybe its time that Adland Pro thought about having a chat room for all its members, as I see that Adland Pro is increasing with its registered members. To have a chat room would cost money and I know at the moment I don't have the money. Only the donations that I have received for My husbands HeadStone, But if Adland Pro made us a Chat room instead of all the forums and have say 4 chatrooms that would cover all topic's with Moderators, That should deter those abusive people. Just my thought. Thankyou for the invitation Kathy God Bless one and all. Belinda PLEASE BOOK MARK THESE SITES. NPN INVESTPLACE MARATHONPROJECT. The 1 ADvertisement site that truly eXplodes your AD! Place your AD here and earn BIG money. Advertising can be profitable. ... That is the reason why at, we give our PRO members ... Fully integrated into your referral URL. ...
8/23/2005 4:47:32 PM
Greetings adlanders and thank you Kathy and john for this invitation. As long as everyone is allowed to express their opinion here, we will ad our two cents worth two. Adland community is fine the way it is because if someone gets way out of line you simply hit the block feature and if you want more satisfaction email your friends and have them do the same. It won't take long for the offender to get his or her head on straight! The problem with trying to make up more rules is that each of us is giving up just one more of our rights that we currently have. Let us all use common sense and not do something out of haste? Remember time usually solves all problems if you just give it some time! Kathy, who ever threaten you was a jerk! We all know that they are out there and we just don't have to deal with these kind of people! Exercise your block feature and move on. The rest of the community has enough common sense to know what kind of good person you are and you don't even need to give that a second thought!!! So smile and look at it this way, what ever it was that you said must of been right or you obviously got someone's attention because they felt like they had to attack your good intentions with their short comings! You can count on us for assistance if we can help in any way, respectfully, your friends in Idaho, Gary and Janice Hawkins RejuvaNow - insurance in a bottle! Better Universe Just got Better!
Janice Wyre

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8/23/2005 4:49:12 PM
Hi Kathy I was so sorry to hear abouth this. I have never had nothing like this to happen to me. I pray things work out and I hope she'll give this forum another chance. Sorry to hear this.
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