
Forum: Prayer , Verse of the day and Encourgement

Description: Drop off your prayer request and read a verse of encouragement daily . Food for your spirit. I have just reactivated this forum . I will be adding new articles and stories.
Members 111
Topics 114
Posts 1055
Last Post 5/9/2012 5:17:15 AM
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Thread Last Post Posts Views
Obama plan will free some Gitmo terrorist suspects
11/11/2008 3:45:37 PM
3 341
The NEW Reagan Revolution Bring Conservatism BACK!
11/9/2008 3:45:05 AM
2 248
An Obama chronology
Page: 1, 2, 3
11/7/2008 5:47:35 PM
12 976
yet another Questionable Obama Connection
Page: 1, 2
10/28/2008 7:16:33 AM
10 756
7 1/2 Years Of George Bush
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
10/22/2008 6:32:31 AM
37 2101
Statement On ACORN Investigation
Page: 1, 2
10/18/2008 5:45:34 AM
8 558
Joe Downing's research and everyone should WAKE UP!!!
10/16/2008 2:43:00 AM
3 226
Two Deaths to deal with in a week in our family
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4
8/24/2008 3:30:23 AM
17 1103
America’s Independent Party News
8/21/2008 9:20:50 AM
5 312
God's Love and Strength
8/20/2008 11:23:20 PM
3 253
8/20/2008 9:31:18 PM
1 185
Dobson says he may endorse McCain, is he selling out too ?
7/21/2008 8:00:53 PM
3 230
secret plan behind Obama's Move to the right!
Page: 1, 2
7/12/2008 7:03:41 PM
10 590
Obama explains why he doesn't salute the US Flag
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
7/11/2008 3:30:45 PM
28 2131
McCain advised re: evangelical endorsements
Page: 1, 2
7/10/2008 7:22:00 PM
By Carla Carey.
7 500

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