
Forum: Prayer , Verse of the day and Encourgement

Description: Drop off your prayer request and read a verse of encouragement daily . Food for your spirit. I have just reactivated this forum . I will be adding new articles and stories.
Members 111
Topics 114
Posts 1055
Last Post 5/9/2012 5:17:15 AM
Favourites 2
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Thread Last Post Posts Views
He Said It
By .
7/9/2008 4:32:49 PM
2 215
Happy 4th of July
7/4/2008 4:25:33 AM
1 168
American Independent Party California announces national affiliation
7/1/2008 3:04:08 AM
2 225
Our real roots...A history lesson that needs to be told....
Page: 1, 2
6/28/2008 9:24:27 AM
9 863
Alan Keyes - Presidential Candidate Live Today at 3PM EST On BlogTalkRadio
Page: 1, 2, 3
6/27/2008 9:02:45 AM
11 788
John McCain Is Losing the Religious Right
Page: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
6/12/2008 11:40:43 PM
26 1998
Let's say I break into your house
Page: 1, 2
5/25/2008 10:32:52 AM
10 694
Please join us today for a discussion on the Proverbs 31 woman !
5/23/2008 3:49:32 AM
By Rinna Rani.
3 229
5/21/2008 7:31:39 AM
1 163
5/20/2008 6:38:02 PM
1 157
300 Billion and Growing .. You Need to read this !!!!!!!!!!!!
Page: 1, 2
5/16/2008 7:19:26 PM
By Carla Carey.
6 599
What is Your First Concern or Question about been aChristian with a Deadly Illness?
5/10/2008 12:47:34 AM
1 245
5/6/2008 10:06:14 AM
1 166
We will be live at 2:00 P.M. EST come listen and learn!
Page: 1, 2
5/4/2008 6:43:56 AM
By Carla Carey.
7 611
$20.00 to send out 800 million emails or $25.00 TO SEND OUT BLOGS
4/24/2008 10:31:51 PM
4 191

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